Page 77 - Panuccio2012
P. 77

Short paper

                  Raptor migration at Antikythira, in southern Greece

                  Abstract We document the first systematic survey of the spring and autumn
                  migration of raptors along the central-eastern Mediterranean flyway, from
                  observations on Antikythira, in southern Greece. More raptors were observed in
                  autumn than in spring, mainly due to the much greater autumn passage of adult
                  Honey-buzzards Pernis apivorus. Results suggest that the entire Greek population
                  of Black Kites Milvus migrans uses this flyway. Our observations of Short-toed
                  Eagles Circaetus gallicus suggest that adults breeding in southern and central
                  Greece avoid Antikythira and follow a circuitous migration via the Bosporus or
                  Dardanelles, while some juveniles in autumn appear to attempt a sea crossing via
                  Crete to Libya.

                  Most raptors that breed in Europe and         & Panuccio 2005, 2010).
                  winter in Africa tend to avoid crossing the      In contrast to the central Mediterranean
                  Mediterranean during migration, which
                  leads to the well-known concentrations at     flyway, little is known of raptor movements
                  the Bosporus and Strait of Gibraltar.         between Greece and North Africa, although
                  However, some species with relatively long    Handrinos & Akriotis (1997) suggested that
                  wings (chiefly Honey-buzzard Pernis           the Peloponnese–Crete flyway may be an
                  apivorus, Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus    important route. The aim of this study was to
                  and Black Kite Milvus migrans) regularly      provide the first systematic survey of
                  cross the central Mediterranean using         migrating raptors using this flyway.
                  powered flight, negotiating sea crossings of
                  between 150 and 500 km between central-       Study area and methods
                  southern Italy and North Africa (Agostini et  Antikythira (35°52’N 23°18’E; fig. 1) is a
                  al. 2000; Sammut & Bonavia 2004; Agostini     small island in the Sea of Crete, 32 km south-
                                                                east of Kythira and 33 km northwest of Crete.

Michele Panuccio

                  135. Sunrise over the watchpoint on Antikythira, with Kythira in the far distance; October 2009.
                  266 77 © British Birds 104 • May 2011 • 266–270
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