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Marsh Harrier and Honey Buzzard migration in Eastern Mediterranean

Conclusions                                                  for the European Honey Buzzard than it is for the
As our results confirm, the use of different migration       Western Marsh Harrier.
strategies across the Mediterranean sea in the two           Acknowledgements
species studied indicates that, whenever possible,           We are grateful to the Hellenic Ornithological
the European Honey Buzzard attempts to cover                 Society, and in particular to Angelos Evangelidis,
the longest landway of its autumn migration using            Christos Barboutis and Theodoros Kominos,
gliding-soaring flight, while the Western Marsh              for their help and hospitality. We appreciate the
Harrier is more likely to undertake long water               improvements in English usage made by Frank
crossings. These two different migratory behaviors           Billé and by Chandler Robbins through the
may be a result of different skills in the exploitation      Association of Field Ornithologists’ program of
of soaring-gliding flight and/or a result of different       editorial assistance. This is contribution no.8 from
rates in energy consumption during powered flight            Antikythira Bird Observatory. MEDRAPTORS
as shown by the computer calculation (Åkesson &              (, a network of
Hedenström, 2007; Spaar, 1997). As their aspect              ornithologists and birdwatchers, works to improve
ratio is similar, the morphologic feature making a           research and protection of migrating birds of prey
difference is weight, since this differs significantly       through specific projects and observation camps.
in the two species (Tab. 1). This may explain why
powered flapping flight is more disadvantageous

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