Page 69 - Panuccio2012
P. 69

Marsh Harrier and Honey Buzzard migration in Eastern Mediterranean

other wind directions such as headwinds and               peak. We found no significant difference in the
tailwinds (U = 1625, P < 0.05).                           numbers of European Honey Buzzards observed
                                                          with lateral winds in comparison with other winds
Table 2 – Estimated numbers of adults (males,             at the island of Antikythira (U = 863, P > 0.05).
females) and juveniles of Western Marsh Harriers at       Despite the similar aspect ratio of the Western
the two sites.                                            Marsh Harrier and the European Honey Buzzard
                                                          (7.28 vs. 7.16) the latter shows a stronger
             Adults   Juv. Tot.                           increase in energy consumption during powered
             (♂,♀)                                        flight. In fact, the results provided by the Flight
                                                          programme show that during gliding flight the
Mount          125    143  268                            energy consumption is similar in both species
Olympus      (50,75)                                      while during powered flight it is much higher
                                                          for European Honey Buzzards than for Western
Antikythira    139    48   187                            Marsh Harrier (Table 1). In particular the use
             (80,59)                                      of powered flight for European Honey Buzzards
                                                          requires 4.3 times the energy used for gliding flight
177 migrating European Honey Buzzards were                while the difference is only 2.4 times for Western
counted at Mount Olympus and 120 at the island            Marsh Harriers.
of Antikythira. A correlation exists between the          Discussion
passage of this species at the two sites (r = 0.637, P <  The results of our research suggest that Western
0.05). In particular, migration showed a movement         Marsh Harriers and juvenile European Honey
peak on 10 September (Fig. 2B; N. 42; 23.7%)              Buzzards use different flyways across the study
at Mount Olympus and on 12-13 September                   area. In particular, differences concerning both the
(N = 54; 45%) at the island of Antikythira. On            timing of migration and water crossing behavior,
the basis of aged birds (N = 134), the estimated          as well as differences in age and sex classes (in the
numbers of juvenile European Honey Buzzards               case of Western Marsh Harriers), show that the
outnumbered adults both at Mount Olympus                  two species use different migration strategies when
(154 vs. 23; χ² = 74.3, d.f. = 1, P < 0.001) and          crossing the Mediterranean sea.
at the island of Antikythira (97 vs. 23; χ² = 25.8,       Western Marsh Harrier
d.f. = 1, P < 0.001). The variation of the circadian      The results show indirect evidence that this species,
migratory flow showed a clear midday peak at              during post-reproductive journeys, tends to travel
Mount Olympus (χ² = 35.5, d.f. = 2, P < 0.01)             along parallel NE-SW flyways using parallel
while at the island of Antikythira the passage of
European Honey Buzzard did not show an evident

Figure 1 - Occurrence of Western Marsh Harriers (A) and European Honey Buzzards (B) at the two sites.
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