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Marsh Harrier and Honey Buzzard migration in Eastern Mediterranean

mechanics (Pennycuick, 2008). Flight is based                                Pennycuick & Battley, 2003 ).
on classical aerodynamics and power estimates                                Results
(energy consumption) are absolute numbers                                    268 and 187 Western Marsh Harriers were
calculated from Newtonian mechanics.                                         observed at Mount Olympus and at the island
In Flight, a bird is described by three numbers,                             of Antikythira respectively. The analysis shows
its mass, its wing span and its wing area; for                               that no correlation exists between the passage
our analysis we used measurements taken from                                 of Western Marsh Harriers at the two sites (r =
published data (Table 1; Clark, 1999; Bruderer                               0.008, P > 0.05). Further, the daily variation
& Boldt, 2001). The two most important                                       of migratory flow shows that at the island of
environmental variables for flight calculations                              Antikythira Western Marsh Harriers migrate
are the strength of gravity and air density. The                             mostly during the first half of the study period,
benchmark for air speed is the value calculated                              while at Mount Olympus they were observed
one metre above sea level at the minimum power                               migrating in the whole period (Fig. 1A). Age and
speed   (sVpemepd),     assuming an  ambseecnhcaeniocfalwpinodw.erVimnp      sex was determined for 118 and 162 individuals at
is the                  for minimum                                          Mount Olympus and at the island of Antikythira
level flight. Under the assumptions in Flight, this                          respectively. Comparing the age classes at the two
is also the speed for minimum chemical power.                                sites (Table 2), the proportion of juveniles was
Mechanical power is the rate at which flight                                 higher at Mount Olympus than at the island of
muscles have to work, while chemical power is                                Antikythira (contingency table: χ² = 23.8, d.f.
the rate at which fuel energy has to be consumed.                            = 1, P < 0.01). In addition, a comparison of the
The value used to test energy consumption during                             proportion of sex classes showed that adults males
powered flight is the minimum chemical power;                                migrated mostly through the island of Antikythira
this one consists in the rate at which fuel energy                           rather than at Mount Olympus (contingency
is required in aerobic flight when flying level is at                        table: χ² = 3.94, d.f. = 1, P < 0.05). The hourly
Vglmidp.inOgnflitghhet  other hand the    energy required for                variation of migratory flow showed an afternoon
                        is calculated as  the chemical power                 peak at the island of Antikythira (χ² = 7.74, d.f.
in gliding, i.e. the sum of chemical power for tonic                         = 2, P < 0.01) while the opposite occurred at
muscles and basal metabolic rate. The unit (Watts)                           Mount Olympus where Western Marsh Harriers
is the same for both mechanical and chemical                                 were observed mostly in the morning and at
power (Pennycuick, 2008). Previous studies have                              midday (χ² = 37.8, d.f. = 2, P < 0.01). During
focused on a comparison with data collected on                               periods of lateral winds the number of Western
the field and the data calculated with the method                            Marsh Harriers observed migrating at the island
used by Flight program; predictions were realistic                           of Antikythira was significantly lower than with
(Pennycuik, 1996; Spedding & Pennycuik, 2001;

Table 1 – Measurements of European Honey Buzzard and Western Marsh Harriers, the energy
consumption during powered and gliding flight is expressed in Watt; (1) Clark, 1999; (2) Bruderer and
Boldt, 2001; Pennycuick, 2008).

SPECIES                 Body mass         Wingspan   Wing area               Aspect  Powered      Gliding
                           (Kg)              (m)        (m²)                  ratio  flight (W)  flight (W)
apivorus                 0,79 (1)           1,3 (1)  0,236 (2)                7,16      30,6        4,32

Circus                   0,54 (1)          1,28 (1)  0,225 (2)                7,28   17,4 3,11

   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73