Page 85 - Panuccio2012
P. 85

Short paper

                  Evidence for age-dependent
                     migration strategies in
                      the Short-toed Eagle

                  The Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus is a             Since 2000, however, a regular passage of
                          summer visitor to central Italy, with a       Short-toed Eagles has been noted each autumn
                          breeding population of at least 350 pairs     moving south along the Central Mediterranean
                  (Baghino et al. 2009). Most pairs are concen-         flyway. Many thousands of raptors follow this
                  trated along the Tyrrhenian coast flyway used         route, mostly Honey-buzzards Pernis apivorus,
                  by birds returning from African wintering             Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus and Black
                  grounds (Agostini et al. 2002b). Very few breed       Kites Milvus migrans, which takes them south
                  in southern Italy, despite the availability of suit-  through the Italian Peninsula and Sicily before
                  able habitat, and it has been suggested that this     crossing the Mediterranean to North Africa.
                  distribution reflects the species’ relatively recent  Many of these Short-toed Eagles cross the
                  colonisation of Italy (Campora & Cattaneo             Mediterranean via Marettimo, a small, moun-
                  2006; Agostini & Mellone 2008). On migration,         tainous island some 30 km off western Sicily
                  most Italian breeders appear to follow a cir-         and 130 km northeast of Tunisia, at the nar-
                  cuitous route rather than crossing the central        rowest point of the central Mediterranean.
                  Mediterranean, entering and departing Europe          Passage of Short-toed Eagles at Marettimo
                  via the Strait of Gibraltar, and travelling           occurs mostly during the first half of October
                  through northwest Italy, France and Spain             (Agostini et al. 2002b, 2004b; Gustin &
                  (Agostini et al. 2002a,b; Premuda 2004). For          Provenza unpubl.) and most of the birds aged
                  example, during 2005–07, c. 800 Short-toed            during preliminary observations have proved to
                  Eagles, mostly adults, were observed annually         be juveniles. Surveys of migrating raptors were
                  migrating northwards along the Tyrrhenian             carried out on Marettimo in 2002 (3rd–19th
                  coast at Mount Colegno during the second half         October) and 2007 (3rd–15th October).
                  of September (Premuda 2005, 2006, 2007).
                                                                           In 2002, a total of 202 Short-toed Eagles was

Michele Panuccio

                                                339. Raptor observation point, Marettimo, Italy, October 2007.
                  506 © British Birds 102 • September 2009 • 506–508
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