Page 87 - Panuccio2012
P. 87

Short paper

Michele Panuccio

                  340. Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus migrating through Marettimo, Italy, October 2007.

                  where they wait for good weather before                        (Circaetus gallicus). J. Raptor Res. 36: 111–114.
                  departing (fig. 1). On 12th October 2004, a                 —, Coleiro, C., Corbi, F., Di Lieto, G., Pinos, F., & Panuccio,
                  migrating flock of 70 Short-toed Eagles was
                  observed on the southwest coast of Sicily, c. 60               M. 2002c.Water-crossing tendency of juvenile Honey
                  km southeast of Marettimo (Marchese unpubl.                    Buzzards during migration. Avocetta 26: 41–43.
                  data).                                                      —, Coleiro, C., & Panuccio, M. 2004a. Analysis of the
                                                                                 autumn migration of juvenile Honey-buzzards Pernis
                     We presume that birds returning to Italy in                 apivorus across the central Mediterranean. J. Raptor Res.
                  spring follow experienced birds – through                      38: 283–286.
                  northwest Africa, across the Strait of Gibraltar,           —, —, Corbi, F., Di Lieto, G., & Provenza, N. 2004b.
                  and to breeding sites in Italy via Spain and                   The autumn migration strategies of juvenile and adult
                  France – which prefer the longer, but safer and                Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) in the central
                  easier route rather than using the Central                     Mediterranean. Avocetta 28: 37–40.
                  Mediterranean flyway.                                       Baghino, L., Campora, M., & Cattaneo, G. 2009. Il Biancone.
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                  References                                                     Piviere S. r. L.: 1–120.
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                  Agostini, N., & Logozzo, D. 1997. Autumn migration of          gallicus in Italia. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia 76: 1–46.
                     Accipitriformes through Italy en route to Africa.        Premuda, G. 2004. Prime osservazioni sulla migrazione
                     Avocetta 21: 174–179.                                       primaverile ‘a circuito’ del biancone, Circaetus gallicus,
                                                                                 nelle Alpi Apuane. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia 74:
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                     toed Snake Eagles breeding in central Italy reflect the  — 2005. La migrazione post-riproduttiva del Biancone
                     colonization history? J. Raptor Res.42: 158–159.            sulle Alpi Apuane (LU). Infomigrans 16, Parco Naturale
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                  —, Baghino, L., Panuccio, M., & Premuda, G. 2002a.          — 2006. La migrazione dei rapaci sulle Alpi Apuane (LU).
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                  —, —, Coleiro, C., Corbi, F., & Premuda, G. 2002b.             Alpi Marittime,Valdieri.
                     Circuitous autumn migration in the Short-toed Eagle

                  Nicolantonio Agostini1, Michele Panuccio and Giuseppe Lucia, MEDRAPTORS
                    (Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network), Via Mario Fioretti 18, 00152 Roma, Italy

                  Cristiano Liuzzi, Via Polignano 36, 70014 Conversano (BA)
                  Paolo Amato and Antonino Provenza, LIPU (Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli) Alcamo, Via G. d’Arco 2,

                    91011 Alcamo (TP), Italy
                  Marco Gustin, LIPU (Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli), Conservation Dep., Via Trento 49, 43100 Parma,

                  Ugo Mellone, Estación Biológica Terra Natura (CIBIO), Universidad de Alicante, Apdo. Correos 99,

                    E-03080, Alicante, Spain

                  1 Correspondence author:

                  508 British Birds 102 • September 2009 • 506–508
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