Page 207 - Phytotaxa196_2015_full
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Type:—ITALY. In  saxosis basalticis, 500 m altis,  prope Francofonte in  Sicilia austro–orientale, 25 May
            1992, G. Garfì s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—G. Domina

            Concluding remarks

            The critical check of the original sources  for the names, often highlighted the need to  change the traditional
            authorship and place of publication attributed to some scientific names (for instance the names originating from the
            work of R. Huter, P. Porta and G. Rigo), respect to what generally accepted (e.g. Euro+Med 2006 onwards, IPNI
            2012 onwards, The Plant List 2013 onwards). We also evidenced and corrected validity problems for seven taxa
            (Asperula cynanchica var.  lactea var. nov., Asperula lactea comb. nov., Biscutella laevigata subsp. raffaelliana
            subsp. nov., Ferulago nodosa subsp. geniculata comb. & stat. nov., Limonium tineoi comb. nov., L. usticanum sp.
            nov., Noccaea torreana comb. nov.).
                 Concerning the regions involved in the taxa descriptions, based on the localities cited in the protologue,
            Sicily, Sardinia, Abruzzo, Tuscany, Calabria and Puglia host the highest number of localities (352, 205, 109, 109,
            105, and 67, respectively). This perfectly parallels the high number of Italian endemics occurring there (Peruzzi et
            al. 2014): Sicily, Sardinia, Abruzzo, Tuscany, Calabria and Puglia are also the regions with the highest number of
            Italian and regional narrow endemics (Fig. 1). Campania, Lazio and Basilicata show a high number of Italian
            endemics,  but are  underrepresented  concerning both loci classici and regional  narrow endemics. The regions
            hosting the lowest  number  of localities  were instead Umbria, Valle d’Aosta  and  Molise  (7, 5, and 5  taxa,
            respectively). Noteworthy, for 74 taxa were originally cited localities from Corsica (France), for 1 taxon from
            Malta, for 13 taxa (erroneous) foreign localities outside Italy, Corsica and Malta; finally, for 49 taxa no locus
            classicus was cited in the protologue.

            FIGURE 1. Grouped histograms showing, for each Italian region: a) the number of Italian endemics described there; b) the number of
            Italian endemics occurring there; c) the number of regional narrow endemics. Data concerning b) and c) come from Peruzzi et al.
            (2014) and online updates.

                 As far nomenclatural types are concerned, 640 taxa have a holotype, being correctly described after 1 January
            1958 (Art. 40.1 of ICN). The basionyms described before this data resulted 791. Of them, for 347 a lecto- or neo-
            typification is available in literature, while for 449 a nomenclatural type is still lacking. Intensive work in the next

            NAMES OF VASCULAR PLANTS ENDEMIC TO ITALY                   Phytotaxa 196 (1)  © 2015 Magnolia Press  •   207
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