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Type (lectotype designated by Raimondo et al. 1991: 74 as the holotype):—ITALY. s.l., June 1855, Citarda
            s.n. (PAL).
                Note:—This name is validated by reference to the description of Brassica macrocarpa var.? Lojac.
                Compiled by:—G. Domina

            Brassica tineoi Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 1(1): 113(–114). 1888.
            ≡ Brassica villosa subsp. tineoi (Lojac.) Raimondo & Mazzola, Lagascalia 19(1–2): 832. 1997.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Rupi calcaree montuose ombrose: Caltanissetta a Terrapilata Tin! Marianopoli rupi boreali Loj!
            Serre di Chibò rara Loj!”. SIC
                Type (lectotype designated by Raimondo et al. 1991: 76):—ITALY. s.l., s.d., Lojacono s.n. (PI).
                Note:—According to Art. 60.7 of ICN the spelling of the specific epithet originally published as “Tinei” is to
            be corrected in “tineoi”.
                Compiled by:—G. Domina

            Brassica villosa Biv., Stirp. Rar. Sicilia 4: 20(–21). 1818. [1816 publ. 1818] subsp. villosa
            ≡ Brassica oleracea var. villosa (Biv.) Coss., Comp. Fl. Atlant. 2: 184. 1885. ≡ Brassica rupestris subsp. villosa
            (Biv.) Snogerup ex Hanelt, Verz. Landwirtsch. Gartn. Kulturpfl. (ed. 2), 1: 292. 1986.
                Ind. Loc.:—“In rupibus altioribus  montis Oculi prope vallem S. Martini, montis  Cinisis, castri S.
            Phyladelphi, et Calatafimis”. SIC
                Type (neotype designated by Raimondo et al. 1991: 80):—ITALY. s.l., s.d., Bivona-Bernardi s.n. (B).
                Compiled by:—G. Domina

            Bromus caprinus A.Kern. ex Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 29(7): 209 (208–209). 1879. [July 1879]
            ≡  Bromus erectus var.  caprinus  (A.Kern. ex Hack.) Fiori, Fl. Italia  1(1): 98.  1896.  ≡  Bromus erectus subsp.
            caprearum Oudem., Enum. Syst. Fung. 1: 898. 1919. ≡  Bromopsis caprina (A.Kern. ex Hack.) Banfi &
            N.G.Passal., Inform. Bot. Ital. 41(1): 140. 2009.
                Ind. Loc.:—“welche Prof. v. Kerner auf der Insel Capri im Golf von Neapel entdeckte [...] kommt sie auch bei
            Castellamare und in Sicilien vor. [...] In agro Neapolitano, Sicilia [...] Vielleicht  besser  Br. Caprearum, von
            Capreae, dem classischen Namen des heutigen Capri.”. CAM SIC
                Type:—Not designated.
                Note:—A. Kerner collected this species in Capri island (Campania, S. Italy). Subsequently Hackel (1879)
            published the name chosen by Kerner, remarking how such epithet, according to Latin would be better changed to
            caprearum because referred to Capri island (insula Capreae). Kerner, however, later informed Hackel that his
            epithet was not intended as referring to the island, but to the typical grazers of this species (goats, capra in Latin).
            This information is available in a letter addressed from Hackel to M. Guadagno (Guadagno 1913: 86).
                Compiled by:—G. Galasso

            Bryonia marmorata E.Petit, Bot. Tidsskr. 17(3): 242(–244). 1889. [November 1889]
            ≡ Bryonia syriaca var. marmorata (E.Petit) Bég. in Fiori & Bég., Fl. Italia 3(1): 159. 1903. ≡ Bryonia cretica
            subsp. marmorata (E.Petit) JauzeinLatin Fl. Champs Cult. 863. 1995 ≡ Bryonia cretica subsp. marmorata (E.Petit)
            Govaerts, World Checkl. Seed Pl. 2(1): 13 1996. isonym
                Ind. Loc.:—“J’ai réussi cette fois non sulement de récolter des échantillons de la plante femelle, dans  la
            localité  indiqué,  mais aussi de découvrier un seul  exemplaire de la plante  male, a  une distance d’une demi
            kilometre des autres, plus pres de l’embouchure de la fleuve Tavaria”. COR
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Lithospermum splitgerberi Guss., Fl. Sicul. Syn. 1: 217. 1842–1843. [January 1842–February 1843]
            ≡ Buglossoides incrassata subsp.  splitgerberi (Guss.) E. Zippel & Selvi,  Taxon 58(2): 624. 2009. ≡
            Buglossoides incrassata subsp. splitgerberi (Guss.) E.Zippel & Selvi, Taxon 58: 624. 2009.
                Ind. Loc.:—“In collibus aridis; Macchie di Alcamo (Splitgerber et Tineo)”. SIC

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