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Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi
Calendula maritima Guss., Ind. Sem. Hort. Boccadifalco: 3. 1825.
≡ Calendula incana subsp. maritima (Guss.) Ohle, Feddes Repert. 85: 279. 1974. ≡ Calendula suffruticosa subsp.
maritima (Guss.) Meikle, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 71: 274. 1976.
Ind. Loc.:—none.
Type (lectotype designated by Troìa et al. 2012a: 50):—ITALY. Trapani, Favignana, 1824, Gussone s.n.
Note:—After the lectotype designation, the type locality can be identified as Favignana (Sicily).
Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, G. Domina
Callianthemum kernerianum Freyn ex A.Kern., Sched. Fl. Exs. Austro–Hung. 5: 36. 1889. [1888 publ. after
January 1889]
≡ Ranunculus kernerianus (Freyn ex A.Kern.) Fiori, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s., 12: 174. 1905.
Ind. Loc.:—“Ad confines Tiroliae australis et Venetiae. In pascuis glareosis montis Baldi; solo calcareo;
1700–2100 s. m.”. TAA VEN
Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi
Campanula bertolae Colla, Herb. Pedem. 4: 24(–25). 1835. [probably 15–31 August 1835]
Ind. Loc.:—“In nemoribus di S. Egidio, La Caccia, Givoletto [San Gillio, La Cassa, Givoletto (TO)]”.
Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—A. Pistarino
Campanula carnica subsp. puberula Podlech, Feddes Repert. 71(1–3): 95 (66, fig. 2, map). 1965. [15 June
Ind. Loc.:—“Prov. Brescia, Kalkfelsen am Iseosee zwischen Marone und Pisogne, 200 m [Lago d’Iseo,
Marone–Pisogne (BS)]”. LOM
Type:—ITALY. Prov. Brescia, Kalkfelsen am Iseosee zwischen Marone und Pisogne, 200 m, 23 May 1964,
H. Merxmüller et Wiedmann 116/64 (holotype, M).
Compiled by:—A. Pistarino
Campanula eLatines L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10. 2: 927. 1759. [7 June 1759]
Ind. Loc.:—“[“Habitat in Alpinis Europae australis. Allioni”] Sp. Pl., ed. 2: 240 (1762)”. PIE
Type (lectotype designated by Damboldt 1965: 336):—ITALY. Allioni s.n., Herb. Linn. No. 221.76 (LINN).
Compiled by:—L. Peruzzi
Campanula eLatinoides Moretti, Giorn. Fis. Chim. Storia Nat. Med. Arti s. 2, 5(2): 110(–111). 1822.
[March–April 1822]
Ind. Loc.:—“in ipsis montibus brixiensibus”. LOM
Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi
Campanula rotundifolia var. forsythii Arcang., Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa Processi Verbali 5 (14 novembre
1886): 138. 1886. [after 14 November 1886]
≡ Campanula forsythii (Arcang.) Bég., Arch. Bot. Sist. 5: 70. 1929.
Ind. Loc.:—“nell’Isola Tavolara”. SAR
Type (neotype designated by Podlech 1965: 81 as the lectotype):—ITALY. Rocce calcaree di Tavolara, 17
May 1885, Forsyth–Major s.n. (PI).
Compiled by:—A. Brunu, L. Carta, I. Camarda
38 • Phytotaxa 196 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press PERUZZI ET AL.