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Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—L. Bernardo, N.G. Passalacqua

            Cuscuta epithymum var. corsicana Yunck., Prodr. Fl. Corse 3(2): 83. 1955. [October–December 1955]
            ≡ Cuscuta epithymum  subsp.  corsicana (Yunck.) Lambinon,  Bull. Soc. Échange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Occid. Bassin
            Médit. 24: 63. 1993.
                Ind. Loc.:—“vallée de la Restonica, en aval des bergeries de Grotello”. COR
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—M. Villani

            Cymbalaria glutinosa  Bigazzi & Raffaelli, Webbia 54(2): 201(–202, figs. 2a, 2c, 2e, tab. 1, map). 2000. [30
            April 2000] subsp. glutinosa
                Ind. Loc.:—“Spigno Saturnia, rocce ombrose”. LAZ
                Type:—ITALY. Spigno Saturnia, rocce ombrose, 24 July 1992, Bigazzi s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, A. Stinca

            Cymbalaria glutinosa subsp. brevicalcarata Bigazzi & Raffaelli, Webbia 54(2): 202(–203, 201, figs. 2b, 2d, 2f,
            tab. 1, map). 2000. [30 April 2000]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Cava dei Tirreni, strada per il Santuario dell’Avvocatella, sulle rocce ombrose umide”. CAM
                Type:—ITALY. Cava dei Tirreni, strada per il Santuario dell’Avvocatella, sulle rocce ombrose umide, 4
            June 1993, Bigazzi s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, A. Stinca

            Linaria mulleri Moris, Diagn. Stirp. Sard.: [1](–[2]). 1857.
            ≡ Cymbalaria mulleri (Moris) A.Chev., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 645. 1937.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Hab. in Sardiniae montanis circa Laconi”. SAR
                Type (lectotype designated by Arrigoni 1979: 257 as the holotype):—ITALY. Linaria Mulleri Nob., affinis
            Linariae pallidae Tenor! Guss! Chavann.! at seminibus (utrique clare?) differt / a Mullero (TO).
                Note:—The protologue publication lacks pagination. The epithet, which represents an eponimy for Franz
            Müller (Franciscus Mullerus), was intentionally Latinizated and originally published as “Mulleri” and it is not to be
            corrected in “muelleri” (Art. 60.7 of ICN).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, L. Carta, I. Camarda

            Antirrhinum pubescens Ten., Fl. Napol. 1(3): XXVI. 1812. nom. illeg.
            ≡ Antirrhinum pallidum Ten., Fl. Napol. 1(10): 323. 1815. ≡ Cymbalaria pallida (Ten.) Wettst. in Engl. & Prantl,
            Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4: (3b) 58. 1891.
                Ind. Loc.:—none.
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—F. Bartolucci, F. Conti

            Linaria pubescens C.Presl, Delic. Prag.: 74(–76). 1822. [July 1822]
            ≡ Cymbalaria pubescens (C.Presl) Cufod., Bot. Not. 1947: 148. 1947.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Montium prope Panormum Siciliae”. SIC
                Type (lectotype, designated by Bigazzi & Raffaelli 2000: 203):—Pr. / 1822 III / Rupes / Sicilia, May, Presl
            s.n. (W n. 287747).
                Compiled by:—G. Domina

            Cynoglossum apenninum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 134. 1753. [1 May 1753]
            ≡ Solenanthus apenninus (L.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 11: 306. 1838.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Habitat in alpibus Apenninis, Campoclarensibus, umbrosis”. MOL
                Type  (lectotype  designated by Selvi in  Cafferty &  Jarvis 2004: 801):—ITALY.  “Cynoglossa mont.
            maxima”, Colonna, Ekphr.: 170 (1606).

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