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Hieracium acanthodontoides Arv.-Touv. & Belli in Fiori & Bég., Fl. Italia 3(2): 488. 1904. [April 1904]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Abruzzo nel M. Genzana”. ABR
                Type:—(lectotype designated by Gottschlich 2009: 167):—ITALY In declivibus Montis Genziana Aprutio,
            1889, Profeta s.n. (FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Pistarino, G. Gottschlich

            Hieracium amphisericophorum  Zahn in Engl., Pflanzenr. 76(4.280):  547( – 548, fig 41).  1921.  [10 May 1921]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sudwestalpen, Piemont: Col Sestrieres”. PIE
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—A. Pistarino

            Hieracium antholzense Zahn in Hallier & Brand, Syn. Deut. Schweiz. Fl., ed. 3 2(12): 1875. 1901. [September
                Ind. Loc.:—“Tirol: Ob dem Antholzer See [Lago Anterselva]”. TAA
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—A. Pistarino

            Hieracium aspromontanum Brullo, Scelsi & Spamp., Vegetaz. Aspromonte: 46 (fig. 31). 2001. [April 2001]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Aspromonte, Pietra Impiccata (Montalto)”. CAL
                Type:—ITALY. Aspromonte, Pietra Impiccata (Montalto) 30 May 1999, Brullo et Spampinato s.n. (holotype,
                Compiled by:—L. Bernardo, N.G. Passalacqua

            Hieracium atrocalyx Gottschl., Stapfia 95: 33(–34, fig.1). 2011. [31 December 2011]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Italien, Friaul–Julisch–Venetien, Prov. Pordenone, Erto e Casso, untere Kehren im Aufstieg zum
            Val Zemola (MTB 9740/1, 46°16’ N 12°23’ E), Kalkschutt und Gebüsche, 1000 m.”. FVG
                Type:—ITALY. Italien, Friaul–Julisch–Venetien, Prov. Pordenone, Erto e Casso, untere Kehren im Aufstieg
            zum Val Zemola (MTB 9740/1, 46°16’ N 12°23’ E), Kalkschutt und Gebüsche, 1000 m, 8 August 2009, G.
            Gottschlich–55066 et C. Argenti (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—R.P. Wagensommer

            Hieracium beyeri Zahn in Engl., Pflanzenr. 76(4.280): 548 (fig. 41). 1921. [10 May 1921]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sudwestalpen. Fenestrelle in Piemont”. PIE
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—A. Pistarino

            Hieracium boreoapenninum Gottschl., Webbia 64(1): 3(–7, fig. 1, map). 2009. [15 June 2009]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Italy, Emilia–Romagna, Provincia di Parma: 1521/1: Montebruno, Passo della Scoglina Genova
            and the region of Lunigiana (northwestern part of Toscany)”. LIG TOS
                Type:—ITALY. Italy, Emilia–Romagna, Provincia di Parma: 1521/1: Montebruno, Passo della Scoglina,
            920–930m, path along the crest, 29 May 2007, G. Gottschlich 52362 (holotype, FI).
                Note:—The locality indication is partially wrong because Montebruno,  Passo  della Scoglina is in Liguria,
            Genoa Province.
                Compiled by:—S. Peccenini

            Hieracium bornetii Burnat & Gremli, Cat. Hierac. Alp. Mar.: 29(–30). 1883. [May 1883]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Dans  la  partie moyenne du val S. Giovanni, près de Limone”. PIE
                Type:—Not designated.
                Note:—According to Art. 60.7 of ICN the spelling of the specific epithet originally published as “borneti” is
            to be corrected in “bornetii”.
                Compiled by:—A. Pistarino

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