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Hieracium fastuosum Zahn in Hallier & Brand, Syn. Deut. Schweiz. Fl., ed. 3 2(12): 1900. 1901. [September
                Ind. Loc.:—“Mühlwaldthal:Alpe Kaserstatt”. TAA
                Type:—(lectotype designated by Gottschlich 2007: 62):—ITALY: Tirol: in alpe Kaserstatt vallis Mühlwald
            Pusteria 6000–6500’, inter parentes, solo calcareo et schistaceo mixto, July–August 1868–1869, A. Ausserdorfer
            s.n. (BRIX n. 1490).
                Note:—In the protologue, Zahn mentioned with “?” a record from Lac de Fully (Switzerland), which has never
            been verified and belongs certainly to another taxon.
                Compiled by:—G. Gottschlich

            Hieracium faucisjovis Gottschl., Webbia 64(2): 182(–184, fig. 5, map). 2009. [28 December 2009]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Italy, Toscany, Provincia di  Lucca,  Bagni di  Lucca, Foce  a  Giovo (SQ.  1829/4, 44°07'  N
            10°36' E): S below Foce a Giovo, rocky heathers, alpine grasslands, sandstone, 1650 m.”. TOS
                Type:—ITALY. Italy, Toscany, Provincia di Lucca, Bagni di Lucca, Foce a Giovo (SQ. 1829/4, 44°07' N
            10°36'  E): S below  Foce a Giovo,  rocky heathers, alpine grasslands, sandstone,  1650  m,  1  June  2005,  G.
            Gottschlich 50227 (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—R.P. Wagensommer

            Hieracium galeroides Gottschl., Stapfia 89: 116(–118, 32, pl. 75, map). 2009. [15 January 2009]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Italien, Reg. Abruzzen, Prov. L’Aquila, Roccaraso (GF 4150/1, 41°50' N 14°03' E): an  der
            Straße zum Wintersportgebiet “Aremogna”, oberhalb der grossen Hotels, Kalkschutthang, 1530 m”. ABR
                Type:—ITALY. Italien, Reg. Abruzzen, Prov. L’Aquila, Roccaraso (GF 4150/1, 41°50' N 14°03' E): an der
            Straße zum Wintersportgebiet “Aremogna”, oberhalb der grossen Hotels, Kalkschutthang, 1530 m, 1 June 2001, G.
            Gottschlich 43900 (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—R.P. Wagensommer

            Hieracium geilingeri Zahn, Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Zürich 41: 163. 1908.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Buschiger Abhang oberhalb Ponte Folla (760 m)”. LOM
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—G. Gottschlich

            Hieracium grovesianum Arv.-Touv. ex Belli, Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Torino s. 2, 47: 491(–493). 1897.
                Ind. Loc.:—“ad rupes Vallombrosa Hetruriae”. TOS
                Type (lectotype designated by Gottschlich 2005: 270):—ITALY. in saxosis et ad rupes Vallombrosa Hetruria
            Alt. 3000, July 1884, H. Groves s.n. (FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Pistarino

            Hieracium insubricum  Gottschl., Linzer Biol. Beitr.  38(2): 1048( – 1049, fig.  2). 2006.  [29 December
                Ind. Loc.:—“Italien, Reg. Lombardei, Prov. Brescia (MTB 0027/2, UTM PR 09): «Media Val Camonica
            occidentale, Cerveno, in ceduo ombroso lungo la strada per il Monte di Cerveno, poco oltre il Dosso della Croce,
            boschi di latifoglie, 800 m»”. LOM
                Type:—ITALY. Italien, Reg. Lombardei, Prov. Brescia (MTB 0027/2, UTM PR 09): “Media Val Camonica
            occidentale, Cerveno, in ceduo ombroso lungo la strada per il Monte di Cerveno, poco oltre il Dosso della Croce,
            boschi di latifoglie, 800 m”, 2 June 2005, E. Bona s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi

            Hieracium kofelicum Gottschl., Linzer Biol. Beitr. 32(1): 368(–369, figs. 4, 15d). 2000. [31 May 2000]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Italien, Südtirol, Prov. Bozen:  Vinschgau, Straße Kastelbell Richtung St. Martin im Kofel,
            Kehren unterhalb “Koben” (MTB 9331/3, UTM: PS 46). Lichter Kiefernwald, Orthogneis / Glimmerschiefer, 1500
            m”. TAA

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