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S.  Rawmese, M.L.  Bianchini l Fisheries Research 26 ( 1996) 125-137   135

                    Concerning the mortality estimates, the steady-state assumption of Heincke' s approach
                  can be accepted, given the relative stability, in both recruitment an d fishing pattern, reported
                  for  the  Sicilian  fishery  in  the  last decade  (Arena,  1985)  and more  generally also  in  the
                  Catalan Sea ( Demestre and Martin, 1993).
                    Determining a natura! mortality value  is a criticai and always difficult choice  (Vetter,
                  1988), particularly for deep-water shrimps.
                    The situation is further complicated by the possibility that F is age- or size-dependent,
                  as  females  of Aristeus antennatus could  be  more  vulnerable when  aggregated to  spawn
                  ( Demestre an d Lleonart, 1993).
                    Moreover, an inverse relationship between F and M has been suspected for short-living
                  highly  predated animals  (Cobb and  Caddy,  1989); according to  this  hypothesis,  over a
                  wide range of exploitation regimes, as F increases, M would decrease, resulting in a constant
                  value  of Z.  However,  deep-water red shrimps  should not be  considered high1y-predated
                  ani mals ( Demestre an d Martin, 1993).
                    Notwithstanding the different approach, the shape of the Y l R curves  (Fig. 5)  obtained
                  for the Sicilian population resembles that of Demestre and Lleonart ( 1993) off the Catai an
                    Aristeus antennatus populations are generally considered resi1ient to exploitation, mainly
                  because on1y the upper frac ti o n of the stock is available to the tra wl ( Demestre and Lleonart,
                  1993; Demestre and Martin, 1993; Sardà et al.,  1993).
                     Considering the high fishing pressure exerted on the demersal resources of the Mediter-
                  ranean  Sea  ( Anonymous,  1989),  a  condition  of underexploitation  ( e.g.  M h= 0.8  an d
                  Z = 1.1)  is un1ike1y, making the Y l R curves based o n M = 0.5 more realistic. The compar-
                  ison  between  the  two  curves in  Fig. 5b suggests a condition of growth-overfishing, and
                  yield-per-recruit should  increase substantially by  delaying  the  age  at first  capture to  1.5
                  years ( corresponding to CL= 38 mm).
                     The possibility of achieving this result by concentrating the 45 days of the annua) fishing
                  ban in summer (Levi,  1991)  does not seem to  be practicable because the fishing  activity
                  peaks in season. As the mesh size presently in  use  (16-18 mm, si de) is not selective, the
                  only feasible management tool would be an increase in the cod-end mesh size.
                     Moreover, recent selectivity studies suggest that a mesh size up  to 28  mm side can  be
                  employed to reduce the juveniles in  the catch  without any  substantial loss of adult  (an d
                  more prized) ani mals ( Ragonese et al., 1994a) .
                     In conclusion, under any scenario, a delay of 6 months in the age at first capture would
                  result in an increase of the yield-per-recruit, without any economie harm, even short-term.


                  Anonymous.  1989. Evolution récente des péches méditerranéennes. GFCM/RM/VII/3, 34 pp.
                  Anonymous.  1992. Programma pesca Mazara. Ass. Liberi Armatori Pesca, Mazara. Italy,  III pp.
                  Arculeo, M  ..  Baino,  R.,  Abella, A.  and  Riggio, S.,  1992.  Accrescimento e riproduzione di Aristeus antennatus
                     (Crustacea. Decapoda) nel Golfo di Castellammare (Sicilia N/W). Oebalia,  17(suppl. 2): 117-118.
                  Arena. P ..  1985. Studio sulla possibilità di razionalizzare e rendere più produttiva la pesca a strascico nel Canale
                     di Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo centro-meridionale. Ente Siciliano Pesca ltticolt., 33 pp.
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