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S.  Ragonese,  M.L.  Bianchini l Fisheries Research 26 ( 1996) 125-137   127

                   Preliminary estimates of CL~ an d K ( Ragonese an d Bianchini, 1992) were used as seed
                 values for the ELEFAN-1 procedure; the  program was  run  on  the sequence of four LFD
                 ( after smoothing,  to  reduce sample noise),  unti!  the  best index  of goodness-of-fit  (R 0 ),
                 compatible with the biologica! knowledge on the species, was found. The variance of the
                 estimates of CLL and Brody's coefficient (K) was evaluated by bootstrapping the sequence
                 of the LFD,  and  repeatedly  applying  the ELEFAN-1 procedure to  obtain  a set of paired
                   'Bootstrap' or  'bootstrapping'  is a relatively recent, computationally burdensome tech-
                 nique  (Efron,  1981)  suitable for evaluating the  statistica! precision of estimates, even in
                 cases that are not tractable using classica! approaches, such as  the parameters derived by
                   In fact, a series of new LFD was derived from the originai LFD, by repeatedly extracting,
                 with  replacement,  a  new  set  of equa!  size.  A  total  of 98  bootstrappings  of the  originai
                 sequence ofLFD was derived by an ad hoc program (Bianchini et al., 1994). The ELEFAN-
                 1 procedure was  applied on each of these new  sequences and the resulting sets of growth
                 parameters were used to compute mean values, other descriptive statistics and to construct
                 the bi variate ellipse of confidence (95%). The bootstrap estimate ( Stuart and Ord, 1987)
                 of the sampling variance of each parameter was obtained by the classica! formulations.
                   The m od es in the LFD were preliminarily discriminated using Bhattacharya' s method in
                 the  MPA procedure of the Compleat ELEFAN,  and these estimates  (number of groups,
                 moda!  lengths and corresponding proportions an d standard deviations)  w ere used as seed
                 values for the MIX program, which is based o n a maximum likelihood criterion (MacDonald
                 and Green,  1985).
                   MIX estimates  were  integrated, or  'stretched'  (Caddy,  1986), on  the  assumption of a
                 'steady-state' condition. A moda! progression analysis was performed by a weighted non-
                 linear fitting ( least square methods, with Quasi-Newton and Simplex algorithms; SYSTAT,
                 1992) ofthe VBGF. The mean values of asymptotic length and Brody's coefficient, derived
                 by  bootstrapping, represented the seed-values for the non-linear regression; the reciproca!
                 of the standard error of the estimated moda! length represented the weight factor.
                   Putative absolute ages  ( year)  w ere assigned according to  the available information o n
                 the reproductive biology of the population, i.e. a single spawning peak in summer (Azouz,
                 1972); 3 months (i.e. 0.25 year)  were assumed as the time interval between surveys.
                   Annua!  total  mortalities  (Z)  were estimated according  to  Heincke's  method  (Ricker,
                 1975); the use of a length-converted catch curve ( Pauly, 1987), based o n the pooled LFD,
                 allowed another estimate of Z.
                   As the annua! natura! mortality (M) is unknown, plausible values were derived from the
                 literature  (M 1  ca.  0.5:  Yahiaoui,  1990;  Demestre and  Lleonart,  1993), and  by  applying
                 Alagaraya's approximation  (in Sparre et al.,  1989): Mh=- (log" 0.01)/Tmax where Tmax
                 refers to  the age at which about  l% of one cohort would have survived in  the absence of
                 the fishery  ( the M h  that resulted in the present case was about 0.8).
                   Length-weight relationships do not exist for Aristeus antennatus in the area studied, but
                 analogous data indicate a strong negative allometry  (Demestre and Lleonart,  1993); con-
                 sequently, the incomplete beta function  was used to compute Beverton and  Holt's yield-
                 per-recruit curves (Paulik and Gales, 1964).
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