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Boll. Zool. 62: 59-70 (1995)

Downloaded by [] at 08:47 23 March 2016Mate recognition and gamete cytology                                    INTRODUCTION
                                                     features allow hybrid species
                                                     production and evolution in Bacillus                                      The origin of thelytokous species through interspecific
                                                     stick insects                                                           hybridization has occurred several times in both inver-
                                                                                                                             tebrate and vertebrate animals. Among the main con-
                                                     VALERIO SCALI                                                           straints that hybrid speciation has to face, are the
                                                                                                                             widespread occurrence of species-specific mate
                                                     FAUSTO TINTI                                                            recognition systems, effectively limiting heterospecific
                                                                                                                             matings in the field, and hybrid meiotic disruption. In
                                                     BARBARA MANTOVANI                                                       several instances, perhaps related to habitat changes, pre-
                                                                                                                             mating isolation is overcome however, and, when viable
                                                     OMBRETTA MARESCALCHI                                                    hybrids are produced, it often occurs that only the males
                                                                                                                             are sterile, whereas the females are able to produce balan-
                                                     Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica         ced gametes (Coyne, 1985, 1992; Moritz et al, 1989;
                                                                                                                             Vrijenhoek, 1989). These features appear responsible for
                                                     Sperimentale, Sede Zoologia,                                            the rise of all-female hybrid complexes. Hybrid species
                                                     via S. Giacomo 9, I-40126 Bologna (Italy)                               have been widely acknowledged and analyzed in ver-
                                                                                                                             tebrates, among which, at present, they represent about
                                                     ABSTRACT                                                                0.1 of species. Clonal fish and amphibian hybrids are
                                                                                                                             gynogenetic unisexuals, whereas the reptilian ones are
                                                       The increasing number of recognized hybrid unisexual complexes        parthenogens (Vrijenhoek et al., 1989 for a check-list).
                                                     among invertebrate and vertebrate animals has promoted in-              This clear-cut interclass difference shows that in bony
                                                     vestigations about their composition and origin. Morphological,         fishes and urodeles clonal reproduction is strictly sperm-
                                                     karyological and genetic (protein and DNA) analyses clearly show        dependent, while in hybrid lizards it can be achieved
                                                     that, owing to their persistence and incomplete reproductive            without insemination (Dawley, 1989; Mantovani & Scali,
                                                     isolation from ancestors, several all-female complexes are much         1992). Among invertebrates a patchy occurrence of
                                                     more diversified than generally assumed and that they may also have     mostly parthenogenetic unisexual hybrids has been
                                                     an evolutionary role. Here the case of the stick-insects of the genus   reported and a few new instances have been described
                                                     Bacillus is reported in some detail. This holomediterranean genus       recently (Bell, 1982; Bullini & Nascetti, 1990; Mantovani
                                                     comprises three well differentiated species that in Sicily have         & Scali, 1990; Mantovani et al, 1991a, b; Scali et al,
                                                     hybridized repeatedly. The Bacillus mate-recognition system has not     1991; Claridge & de Vrijer, 1993).
                                                     followed the species-specific differentiation of the allozyme-coding
                                                     loci, allowing interspecific crosses to occur in areas of species sym-    The genetic structure of all-female hybrids is mainly af-
                                                     patry with the production of two hybridogens, a corresponding           fected by the differentiation level achieved by hybrid-
                                                     allodiploid parthenogen and a trihybrid triploid parthenogenetic        originating ancestors and by their meiotic system
                                                     species. Hybridogenetic females eliminate the paternal haploset         alterations; polyploidy as well usually adds to hybrid
                                                     (grandii) while passing the unassorted rossius hemiclone to off-        variability. The combination of these factors and their in-
                                                     spring, which will be again of F, hybrid structure through a real fer-  teraction with the environment establish the actual
                                                     tilization by host male sperm. The polyspermic eggs of the              genetic structure and diversification of the hybrid species.
                                                     hybridogens can also produce full-paternal fertile progeny of both
                                                     sexes (androgenetics), when mixis occurs between two sperm heads.         Nonetheless, unisexuals are commonly assumed to be
                                                     The parthenogenetic mechanism of the corresponding hybrid B.            genetically invariant and destined to last shortly on an
                                                     whitei is very similar to the hybridogenetic one, excepting the         evolutionary timescale (Maynard Smith, 1978; White,
                                                     automictic re-use of the segregated grandii haploset; therefore B.      1978). These assumptions hold for some unisexuals, but
                                                     whitei offspring clonally maintain the maternal hybrid structure. The   they cannot be uncritically applied to all of them. We
                                                     trihybrid B. lynceorum produces clonal descendants through an           acknowledge that in most cases the assessment of an-
                                                     apomictic mechanism undergoing two seemingly normal meiotic             tiquity and of the evolutionary rate of unisexuals is pure
                                                     divisions. Each Bacillus hybrid actually realizes a different egg       guessing, because adequate analyses are still lacking;
                                                     maturation process; however, the three share one important feature:     however, mitochondrial DNA studies have suggested that
                                                     an intrameiotic DNA extra-doubling, leading to the formation of         some vertebrate hybrids might have persisted much
                                                     four-stranded chromosomes, and enabling the meiotic system to           longer than supposed, even for millions of years and cer-
                                                     produce balanced gametes even under different ploidy level and          tainly for hundreds of thousands. In these cases, the
                                                     hybrid structure. The extra-round of DNA synthesis seems to be          mutation rate becomes increasingly important since
                                                     triggered by the hybrid condition impairing the synaptic process.       thelytokous strains pass through hundreds of thousands
                                                     Also the parthenogenetic B. whitei produces androgenetics and it is     of generations (Hedges et al, 1992; Moritz et al. 1992;
                                                     even capable of incorporating a third genome into its automictic but    Quattro et al, 1992a; Spolsky et al, 1992; Vrijenhoek,
                                                     clonal eggs, following fertilization by B. grandii or B. rossius males  1993).
                                                     with the production of fertile «synthetic» triploids. These findings
                                                     are evidence of clonal unisexuals reproductively interacting with         Besides mutation, it seems that still another source of
                                                     related bisexuals and also suggest that evolutionary pathways have      variability has played a role: unisexuals, including par-
                                                     been undertaken by Bacillus. Also other unisexual complexes seem        thenogens, are not reproductively isolated from related
                                                     to have undergone similar microevolutionary steps and their
                                                     reproductive traits and persistence, longer than commonly assumed,
                                                     make increasingly difficult to think of the whole of unisexuals as
                                                     «dead ends» or «blind alleys».

                                                     KEY WORDS: Androgenesis - Clonal species - Hybrid
                                                     gametogenesis - Hybridogenesis - Hybrid/ancestor interactions.


                                                        This research has been supported by grants from the Italian
                                                     Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnológica
                                                     (MURST), and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).

                                                     Invited paper at the Symposium «Speciazione: tempi e modi», 55th
                                                     Congress of the Unione Zoológica Italiana, Torino, September
                                                     27-October 2, 1993.
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