Page 5 - Scani_et_al1995
P. 5

EVOLUTION OF HYBRID STICK-INSECTS                                                                                                                                     63

(continued)                                                                                                                                                   BREP

Locus                                                       Genotypes  BATT                              BGGR   BGBS              BGBL  BGMA            BREB

Downloaded by [] at 08:47 23 March 2016Adk-2  96/100                                 1.00  1.00 1.00                1.00 1.00                              0.01
                                                     Pgm    100/100                                0.74                                           0.37  1.00 0.99
                                                            107/107                                0.26  1.00                                     0.21  1.00 0.89
                                                     Fh     96/103                                 0.25                   0.92                    0.07
                                                     Mpi    99/103                                 0.75                   0.08                    0.07                   0.11
                                                     Pgi    100/100                                                                               0.07
                                                                                                   0.89  1.00                                     0.14                   0.03
                                                            100/103                                0.11                   1.00                    0.07  1.00 0.97
                                                            100/105                                                                                     1.00 1.00
                                                            103/103                                0.43  1.00 0.88                1.00
                                                            105/105                                0.57                   0.12                          0.02
                                                            118/118                                                               1.00 1.00             0.98 1.00
                                                            118/122                                                         0.37
                                                            86/90                                        1.00 0.57                1.00 1.00
                                                            90/90                                                        0.06                     0.08
                                                            93/93                                                                                 0.04
                                                            100/100                                                                               0.68
                                                            104/104                                                                               0.16
                                                            100/100                                                               1.00



                                                     a: P<0.001; b: 0.01<P<0.001; c: 0.05<P<0.02.

                                                     allozymes have evolved to a great extent. The ability of   tilization, the present day gene-pools have evolved to the
                                                     easily accepting heterospeciflc partners obviously has     point that no fertile rossius x grandii or atticus x rossius
                                                     been of paramount importance in originating specific       hybrids are produced any more, although, in the past,
                                                     hybrids - both diploid and triploid - and in maintaining   they repeatedly occurred in nature.
                                                     the hemiclonal systems.
                                                                                                                CYTOLOGY OF HYBRID GAMETOGENESIS
                                                       The low specificity in mate-recognition does not seem
                                                     to be peculiar to Bacillus species among stick-insects,       When viable interspecific hybrids are produced, the
                                                     since some Australian phasmids appear to share a similar   first main constraint they face, in view of their persisten-
                                                     trait: a male Extatosoma tiaratum copulated in the field   ce, is the production of balanced gametes. In accordance
                                                     with a female Didymuria violescens (V. Scali, personal     with the majority of both vertebrate and invertebrate
                                                     observation).                                              systems, in natural hybrids oí Bacillus the females are fer-
                                                                                                                tile, while the males are sterile (Haldane rule). Male
                                                       In Bacillus this peculiar feature has been checked also  specimens can be produced at low frequency by
                                                     experimentally through an extensive hybridization          hybridogenetic females (about 10 from B. rossius-g.
                                                     programme. It has been clearly shown that matings are      benazzii x B. g. benazzii crosses, Mantovani & Scali,
                                                     easily obtained but specific hybrids of both sexes are     1992; about 15 from B. rossius-g. grandii x B. g. gran-
                                                     sterile, with the only exception of some atticus/grandii   dii, Tinti, 1993a) and, most rarely, by clonal par-
                                                     females (unpublished). On the whole, our experimental
                                                     hybridizations further suggest that, while the mate-
                                                     recognition system still allows copulation and fer-
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