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EVOLUTION OF HYBRID STICK-INSECTS                               67

Downloaded by [] at 08:47 23 March 2016  likely short-life paradigms do not apply to Bacillus. Further-  jectural hypotheses, since, on the issue, abundant ex-
                                                       more, in several other hybrid complexes a reticulate            perimental evidence is available for all three
                                                       evolutionary pattern is becoming apparent: in the unisexual     hybridogenetic systems (Berger, 1967, 1968; Leslie &
                                                       ostracod Cyprinotus (Turgeon & Hebert, 1993), the               Vrijenhoek, 1978, 1980; Graf & Polls Pelaz, 1989;
                                                       hybridogenetic/gynogenetic italies and Poecilia complexes       Vrijenhoek, 1989, 1993; Schmidt, 1993; Tinti et al.,
                                                       (Haskins et al, I960; Quattro et al., 1992a, b), the            1994). Stick-insect and frog data are consistent in in-
                                                       gynogenetic Ambystoma group (Hedges et al., 1992) and           dicating that hemiclonal genomes are still well coadapted
                                                       the parthenogenetic lizards of the genera Lacerta and           with haplosets derived from nowaday bisexuals of the
                                                       Cnemidophorus (Vyias et al, 1990; Moritz et al, 1992).          maternal species, i.e., viable and fertile synthetic
                                                                                                                       specimens of B. rossius and R. ridibunda can be ob-
                                                         The observation that the occurrence of similar interac-       tained from B. rossius-grandii x B. rossius and R.
                                                       tions between unisexuals and bisexual relatives are being       esculenta x R. ridibunda crosses, respectively. On the
                                                       discovered from very different animal groups, such as           other hand, when P. monacha-lucida x P. monacha
                                                       crustaceans, insects and vertebrates, argues for much more      crosses are analyzed, a strong reduction of viability and
                                                       complex breeding behaviour and evolutionary relation-           almost complete sterility of offspring result, mainly
                                                       ships than is currently accepted for hybrids.                   related to a genetic «deterioration» of the hemiclonal
                                                                                                                       genome. Owing to the different outcomes attained when
                                                       STABILIZED HEMICLONES AND SHIFT TO CLONAL                       the hemiclonal system breaks down through the produc-
                                                       SPECIES                                                         tion of homospecific hybridogenetically-derived
                                                                                                                       specimens, we could conclude that, at present, the
                                                         Bacillus hybridogenetic strains are the only known in-        isolation from the maternal ancestor appears to be more
                                                       vertebrate hemiclonals, the two additional instances            important for stick - insect and frog hybridogenetic
                                                       being found among vertebrates, namely the already men-          balance than for the fish hemiclonal system.
                                                       tioned Poeciliopsis and the Rana esculenta (= ridi-             Hybridogenetic complexes are maintained by a very
                                                       bunda-lessonae) complexes (Schultz, 1961, 1989; Uzzell          dynamic system of necessary interactions - with
                                                       et al, 1980; Dawley & Bogart, 1989). Hybridogens                avoidance of the destabilizing ones - between parental
                                                       usually co-occur with only one parental species, the one        taxa and hybridogens. The Bacillus hemiclonal system
                                                       supplying sperm to replace the genome discarded during          seems to be particularly well buffered owing to the ex-
                                                       hybrid gametogenesis, i.e., R. lessonae in the L-E system       traordinary ability of producing host species an-
                                                       of R. esculenta and P. lucida in the P. monacha-lucida          drogenetics from hybridogens, certainly strengthening
                                                       strains. Bacillus hybridogens experience two slightly dif-      the homeostasis of the system.
                                                       ferent conditions: the southeastern B. rossius-g.grandit
                                                       is syntopic only with B. g. grandit, thus conforming to           Acertain degree of plasticity in the cytological properties
                                                       the general situation, while the northwestern B.                of the hemiclonal gametogenesis allows further
                                                       rossius-g. benazzii co-occurs with both parental taxa.          microevolutionary considerations on the dynamics of
                                                       However, its different ecological and reproductive con-         hybridogenetic strains. An increased production of clonal
                                                       ditions do not affect the breeding system, since the syn-       daughters - actually noticed as a very rare event among the
                                                       topic B. rossius are all females and the rare                   northwestern hybridogenetic strains - and their release
                                                       hybridogenetically originated B. rossius-g. benazzii            from sperm need, would allow the spreading of the new
                                                       males are sterile; therefore, in the northwestern               clonal females into a larger area. On the basis of com-
                                                       hybridogenetic strains, only females interact with B. g.        parative reproductive cytology and chromosomal repatter-
                                                       benazzii males, in a quite comparable way as the                ning distribution, this evolutionary pathway has been
                                                       southeastern hybridogens do with B. g. grandii males.           found to be very likely for the clonal allodiploid par-
                                                                                                                       thenogen B. whitei, which, from its hybridization focus in
                                                         The above-outlined reproductive conditions clearly            the centre of the southeastern range of hybridogens, has
                                                       suggest that stabilized hemiclonal systems can be attained      spread into the whole Iblean area and the Catania plain to
                                                       only if reproductive isolation from the maternal ancestor       the north (Manaresi et al, 1992a, b; Mantovani & Scali,
                                                       is achieved. This seems a critical point for hemiclonal         1992; Mantovani et al, 1992; Scali et al, 1992; Tinti &
                                                       hybrid persistence. At the very beginning of their              Scali, 1992a; Tinti et al, 1994). It could also well be that
                                                       production, such hybrids must co-occur with both                similar microevolutionary steps were experienced by B.
                                                       parental species, their syntopism being necessary for the       lynceorum: the initial allodiploid hybrid could have
                                                       hybridogenetic strain origin. Given no pre-copula               switched to parthenogenesis following the third genome
                                                       barriers nor mating preferences, hybridogens will mate          addition, that allowed its spreading from the initial very
                                                       with both parental species. Depending on their relative         limited area to the presentday range (Manaresi et al, 1993).
                                                       frequency, a proportion of «hybridogen x maternal               Several gynogenetic or parthenogenetic vertebrate hybrids,
                                                       parent» matings will occur and produce a few pure mater-        that include both diploid and polyploid taxa, may have had
                                                       nal species individuals; they would re-enter the maternal       similar evolutionary histories, of which at present only the
                                                       ancestor gene pool, thus representing a destabilizing fac-      general traits can be traced (Uzzell, 1963, 1964; Schultz,
                                                       tor for the hemiclonal system. These are not mere con-          1967, 1969; Uzzell & Goldblatt, 1967; Darevsky &
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