Page 6 - Scani_et_al1995
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-BATT groups of n pseudobivalents (4C DNA content each),
-BGGR given by the segregated unassorted parental sets. The
-BGBE grandii chromosomes degenerate as pseudobivalents or
-BGMA after a further division (1st polar body), while the rossius
-BREB complement originates a female pronucleus with n
-BREP pseudodiads (2C DNA content) following a division of
the pseudobivalents and the degeneration of one sister
1.6 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 nucleus (2nd polar body). Bacillus eggs are polyspermic
and several male pronuclei with 2C DNA content are form-
Fig. 2 - Dendrogram obtained from Nei's genetic distances, showing ed from sperm. Then a regular mixis occurs between one
the genetic affinity relationships among Sicilian Bacillus. BATT, B. spermatic heterospecific nucleus and the female
atticus; BGGR, B. grandii grandit; BGBE, B. grandit benazzii, pronucleus, thus restoring the hybrid structure of the
BGMA, B. grandii maretimi; BREB, B. rossius redtenbacberi hybridogens (Scali et al, 1992; Tinti & Scali, 1992a).
bisexual samples; BREP, B. rossius redtenbacheri parthenogenetic
samples (from Mantovani & Scali, 1993b). Acareful analysis of B. whitei egg maturation mechanism
has revealed that its cytology is just the same as that of
Downloaded by [] at 08:47 23 March 2016 TABLE II - Nei's genetic distances (above diagonal) and identities hemiclonal eggs except for a single critical point: the
(below diagonal) among Sicilian Bacillus taxa: B. atticus (BATT), B. segregated grandii haploset does not degenerate to fuse
grandii grandii (BGGR), B. g. benazzii from Scopello and Levanzo back to the rossius one, thus realizing the clonal trans-
(BGBE), B. g. maretimi (BGMA),B. rossius redtenbacheri bisexual mission of the maternal hybrid structure to the thelytokous
samples (BREB)and parthenogenetic demes(BREP). progeny (Fig. 3) (Marescalchi et al, 1991; Scali & Tinti,
1992; Tinti & Scali, 1992a). The peculiar but still very
BATT BGGR BGBE BGMA BREB BREP similar features of the maturation processes observed in
hemiclonal and clonal hybrid complexes, strongly suggest
BATT 0.706 0.348 0.362 0.312 1.628 1.485 an evolution of the parthenogenetic clonáis (B. whitei)
BGGR 0.696 - 0.217 1.498 1.358 from initially hybridogenetic strains. The issue will be more
BGBE 0.732 0.266 1.338 1.232 specifically considered from the evolutionary standpoint in
BGMA 0.196 0.805 - 1.431 the final section.
BREB 0.226 0.109 1.315
BREP 0.766 0.897 - - 0.019 Cytological investigations on the meiotic mechanisms of
0.262 the remaining parthenogenons, B. atticus and B. lyn-
0.223 0.292 0.239 0.982 ceorum,have shown that each taxon follows a specific pat-
0.257 0.268 tern. The first division of B. atticus is normal and results in
two haploid nuclei. These, after a short interphase, fuse
thenogens through the loss of an X chromosome, likely together and the newly diploid nucleus per-
in the very early embryogenetic stages (1 instance out of forms the 2nd division. One of the resultant sister nuclei
about 1 000 field collected specimens). degenerates, whereas the other starts embryogenesis
(Marescalchi et al, 1993). This uncommon automictic type
The cytological feature, that appears to be shared by all of parthenogenesis explains both the clonal maintenance of
of the so far analyzed hybrid Bacillus, is an intrameiotic the various cytotypes and, on the genetic side, the trans-
extra-doubling of DNA content, leading to the produc- mission of progressively lower levels of heterozygous con-
tion of four-stranded chromosomes (Scali & Tinti, 1992). stitutions, depending on the chiasma position at prophase I
This cytological trait seems to be present at a low and chromosome segregation at metaphase I (Fig. 3).
frequency even in B. rossius females (see Scali, 1969) and Therefore, the multiclonal structure of B. atticus (Man-
it appears to be positively selected in hybrid tovani &Scali, 1993a) is, at least in part, certainly originated
gametogenesis, during which the heterospecific strongly by its specific parthenogenetic mechanism.
differentiated haplosets encounter serious problems in
correct pairing and balanced segregation. Apparently, the Maturation divisions of the triploid trihybrid B. lyn-
post-pachytene DNA doubling is an escape from a ceorum are «mechanically» normal, but, from the genetical
meiotic blocking and allows, in various ways, the point of view, lead to the production of usually invariant
production of balanced egg pronuclei, no matter apomictic eggs (Fig. 3). This is due to the fact that
whether reduced or unreduced. This general picture pachytenic oocytes, after a short synaptic phase, become
features the ephemeral condition of the males and the completely asynaptic and undergo an extra doubling of
foundation of an all-female taxon, which may become DNA (tetrapachytene) allowing the formation of 3n four-
fully self-sustaining in the parthenogenetic condition. stranded chromosomes (autobivalents). Two divisions
follow, eventually leading to the production of a female
Hybridogenetic egg maturation is accomplished pronucleus with the unreduced number of unistranded
through the segregation of the 2n tetrachromatidic chromosomes and two degenerating polar bodies. This
chromosomes, with 8C of DAPI-DNA content, into two mechanism, while keeping the cytological features of the
mother, clonally passes to the offspring the maternal
genetic structure (Marescalchi et al, 1991 ; Mantovani et al.,