Page 5 - Scialabba_alii_1999
P. 5

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Figg. 5/8 • 5 ) Se.::uon of a ripe -.eed 'tained \\Ìlh rulhenium red. \1ucìlage (m) swells upon ìmbìbìtìon. but the celi wall (w) keeps ìts
originai po'ition. 6-7) :\"earl~ ripe -.eed. Actd pho'phaw,e, in lhe column (arrow) <Fig. 6) and the radiai (r) and inner tangential walls
of mucilaginou' celi' 1mc) (Fig. 7). 81 :'\earl~ ripe embi) o E'ter:c.e activity in procambial (p) and parenchyma (pa) cells. Seed integu-
ments (t).

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