Page 6 - Scialabba_alii_1999
P. 6


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Figg. 9/12 o9) Nearly ripe seed. Pheno l droplets in the radiai and external peripheral walls (arrows) of mucilaginous cells (mc).
Column (c). 10) Ripe ~eed imegumems with the following layers: a) mucilaginous: b) crushed subepidermal: c) palisade; d) pigo
memed; e) aleurone: f) hyaline. Il ) Ripe seed. Transverse ;ection of embryonic axis showing phosphatase activity in intercellu-
lar spaces (arrows) of conica! cylinder (cc). 12) SDS polyacrylamide electrophoretic separation from seeds al different stages of
maturatio n: (a) green seed; (b) hard green-brown seed; (c) ripe brown sced; (d) molecular weight ;tandard proteins in KD. The
arrows on the left indicate proteins with major quantitativc variations. Ban,: IO !111l.

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