Page 10 - Sihvonen2014
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TABLE 1. An overview of diagnostic morphological features in the Palaearctic Hylaea fasciaria species group. See
Figures 1–9 for the external characters, 10–13 for the male genitalia and 14–17 for the female genitalia. The shape and
size of the lamella antevaginalis in the female genitalia is variable, and should be treated with caution.

Character            H. fasciaria             H. mediterranea           H. pinicolaria          H. compararia
                                                                                                weak, not parallel
forewing medial line angled, not parallel with curved, not parallel with curved, parallel with  with costa
                                                                                                weak, straight
                     costa                    costa                     costa
                                                                                                weak, straight
forewing postmedial  angled at costa, angled  weakly angled at costa, angled at costa, evenly
line                 outwards near inner                                                        no
                     margin                   evenly curved near inner curved near inner        whitish

                                              margin                    margin                  subapical part narrow

hindwing postmedial distinct, curved          distinct, curved          distinct, curved        enlarged
line                                                                                            angled row, reaching
                                                                                                aedeagus apex
Reddish specimens yes                         no                        no                      absent
Fringes at forewing usually concolorous       red                       red
apex with wings                                                                                 Algeria, Tunisia

Uncus shape          subapical part rather    subapical part narrow subapical part narrow

Apex of aedeagus arm not enlarged             not enlarged              not enlarged

Cornuti              straight row             straight row              straight row

Signum               small/minute             large                     small/minute

Lamella antevaginalis often large, margin     often large, margin       often large, margin
                             round            concave                   concave

Distribution         Pan-European,            Italy: Sicily, Calabria,  France: Corsica
                     eastwards to Russia:     Molise

Hylaea mediterranea Sihvonen, Skou, Flamigni, Fiumi & Hausmann, new species

Material examined. Holotype male: HOLOTYPE / Hylaea / mediterranea [red rectangle label]; Italy, Sicily, 5.7
km ESE San Stefano Quisquina, near Pizzo della Rondine, 1000 m, 9.-10.x.2010, Peder Skou leg.; Prep. number
1738., Pasi Sihvonen (coll. Skou, Denmark, to be deposited at the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen,
Denmark). Paratypes altogether 6 males and 4 females. 1 male and 3 females: Italy, Sicily, / 5.7 km ESE San /
Stefano Quisquina, / near Pizzo della Rondine, / 1000 m, 9.-10.x.2010, / Peder Skou leg.; Prep. number 1739. /,
Pasi Sihvonen. 1 female: Italy, Sicilia, / 7 km S. of Castelbuono, / 1350 m,, / Peder Skou leg. (both
specimens in coll. Peder Skou, Denmark). 1 male: Italy, Sicily, Mt Etna / Ragabo restaur. / 7 km SW Linguaglossa,
/ 1450 m, 8–9.ix.2002 / Leg. M. Fibiger & / G. Jeppesen. 1 male: Italy, Sicily, / 5.3 km SE Collesano, / Rifugio
Orestano, / 1100 m, 8.x.2010, / Peder Skou leg (all in coll. Skou, Denmark). 1 male: Italien, Sizilien/ Aetna,
Nicolosi/ Monte San Leo/ 1110 m,/ N3739’ - E1459’/ 2. Juni 2001/ leg. Norbert Pöll; 305 [genitalia dissected, slide
number 305 N. Pöll] (in coll. Pöll, Austria). 1 male: Italia / Sicilia / Campo Italia, 442m [38.2508°N 15.5442°E] /
30.5.2010 / leg. M. Infusino [DNA barcode specimenID BC MI 0116] (Universià di Messina, Zoological
Collection, Italy). 1 male: Sicilia or. / Mte. Etna / 2km S Milo / (CT) 800m / 20.VIII.2001 / lg. Hausmann [DNA
barcode specimen ID BC ZSM Lep 14248] (ZSM). Other material examined: 1 female: Italy, Calabria, M.
Cocuzzo, 1150 m, leg. S. Scalercio, 28.7.1997, BC ZSM Lep 14249 (DNA barcode analysed, ZSM). 1 male: Italy,
Sicily, Etna, Valverde, 350 m, 29.8.2008, GF Lep 0016 (DNA barcode analysed, Research Collection of Gabriele
Fiumi, Italy). 1 male, Italy, Sicily, Etna, Valverde, 350 m, 29.8.2008, GF Lep 0017 (DNA barcode analysed,
Research Collection of Gabriele Fiumi, Italy). 3 males: Italy: Molise/ Isernia - Pescopennataro/ 1200 m/ 41.8769
N, 14.2935 E/ A. Sciarretta 30-Jun-2013; GWOTL1120-13; BC ZSM Lep 73518 [other 2 males with same label
data except BC ZSM Lep 73519 and BC ZSM Lep 73520] (coll. University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy). Further
4 males and 7 females from Calabria (CS, Monte Cocuzzo; CS, Cava di Melis; CS, Cosenza/Donnici; VV, Lago
Angitola; all in ZSM) in habitus corresponding to the characteristic features of H. mediterranea but excluded from
the type series because of the distance from the type locality and the missing confirmation by DNA barcodes.

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