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FIGURES 22–25. Life history of Hylaea mediterranea new species, a rearing from the Etna Mountain, Sicily. Figure 22. Eggs.
Figure 23. Caterpillar on Picea abies. Figure 24. Pupa. Figure 25. Male adult. See text for details. Photos by D. Righini.

Hylaea pinicolaria (Bellier, 1861)

pinicolaria Bellier, 1861, Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (4) 1 (1): 29, pl. 2, fig. 12, (Ellopia). Syntype(s), Corsica (mountains of). Bellier's
     collection was apparently included in the C. Oberthür collection, which is currently housed in the Natural History
     Museum, London, UK. Despite searches, we have not located the type.

Description. External characters and pregenital abdomen (Figures 3, 8) (diagnostic characters underlined):
Wingspan male 32–34 mm, female 39–42 mm. Wings light green, medial lines white. Medial line curved before
costa, basal part parallel with costa. Postmedial line rather straight, only weakly curved, angled before it reaches
costa well before apex and evenly curved outwards on inner margin. Medial area concolorous with rest of wing.
Terminal line and fringes concolorous with wings, forewing apex dark red. Hindwing postmedial line distinct,
curved. Discal spots absent. Wings below as above, but paler. Frons red-brown, thorax and abdomen concolorus
with wings. Area between antennae (vertex) white. Antennae white dorsally, male antennae bipectinate, female
antennae fasciculate. Hindleg tibia of both sexes with 2+2 spurs. Tympanal organs medium-sized. Sternites and
tergites 3–8 of both sexes undifferentiated.

     Male genitalia (Figure 12): Generally as in H. fasciaria (Linnaeus) and H. mediterranea. Aedeagus with
weakly curved additional arm, apex not expanded in H. pinicolaria (additional arm straight in H. fasciaria, apex
expanded in H. compararia). Base of vesica with straight row of microcornuti in H. pinicolaria (vesica with angled
row of microcornuti, reaching aedeagus apex in H. compararia).

     Female genitalia (Figure 16): Generally as in H. fasciaria and H. mediterranea, but with following
quantitative difference: signum large in H. mediterranea (signum absent or minute in H. fasciaria, H. pinicolaria
and in H. compararia). Genitalia are large in H. pinicolaria (genitalia considerably smaller in H. compararia).

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