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distinguish taxa at species or subspecies level. The same applied both to the external and internal genitalia
structures. The differences are mostly quantitative, and variation is found in the shape of valva, distribution of
cornuti on vesica, shape of additional arm of the aedeagus, size of the signum, degree of sclerotisation of the
lamella antevaginalis and overall size of the female genitalia. Certain structures in the genitalia pictures (e.g., the
uncus and valva shape), appear slightly different, but those are not diagnostic in the species level unless
specifically mentioned. Many of these structures vary within species, but intraspecific variation is not illustrated.
Further, the structures may be slightly distorted under the coverglass, giving skewed impressions.

     External characters, most notably the habitus, were found to be more diagnostic and provide more detailed
resolution between the taxa. This is an unusual trait in the Geometridae, as typically the genitalia provide further
diagnostic differences, even more so, than the external features. DNA barcodes proved useful, providing detailed
information, which were in agreement with the external characters. Interspecific distances were found to range
from 3.3% to 4.0% in the three examined species of this genus whilst their mean intraspecific variation ranges from
0.0% to 0.21% (average 0.13%).

     The caterpillars of the taxa, whose biologies are known, feed exclusively on needles of conifer trees. Few taxa
appear monophagous, restricted to one tree species only, but this is potentially an artefact resulting from
insufficient data. The caterpillars of H. fasciaria have been recorded to feed on numerous conifer trees, for instance
on Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Abies alba and on Larix (Mikkola et al. 1989; Ebert 2003). Little is known about
potential regional host-plant preferences of certain populations.

     Four taxa are considered valid at species level: H. fasciaria (Linnaeus, 1758), H. mediterranea new species, H.
pinicolaria (Bellier, 1861) and H. compararia (Staudinger, 1894). Hemithea squalidaria O. G. Costa, 1848 from
southern Italy was placed in the genus Hylaea, but it is reverted to its original combination as its taxonomic status
is uncertain.


Hylaea fasciaria (Linnaeus, 1758)

fasciaria fasciaria Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (Ed. 10) 1: 521, (Phalaena (Geometra)). Europe. (Holo)type female (Linnean
     Society of London, UK) (examined externally).
     biliosata Villers, 1789, Linn. ent. 2: 386, pl. 6, fig. 22 (female), (Phal[aena] Geom[etra]). Syntype(s), [France]: Bressia
         [=Bresse, near Lyon]. Scoble (1999) gave the type locality as [Italy]: Brescia, but this is incorrect.
     cleui Leraut, 1993, Entomol. Gall. 4 (4): 235, (Hylaea). Holotype male (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris,
        France), France: Hautes-Alpes, L’Argentiére-la-Bessée (examined externally) [originally as subspecies of fasciaria
        (Linnaeus), downgraded from subspecies rank (Scoble 1999, Leraut 2009] (new synonym). Herewith downgraded from
        subspecies rank quoting the absence of distinct external features. See Remarks.
     neustriaria Hufnagel, 1767, Berlin Mag. 4 (5): 520, (Phalaena). Syntype(s), [Germany]: Berlin region.
     prasinaria Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775, Ankündung syst. Werkes Schmett. Wienergegend: 96, (Geometra). Syntype(s),
         [Austria]: Vienna district. [Junior primary homonym of Phalaena Geometra prasinaria Hufnagel, 1767.]
     prosapiaria Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (Ed. 10) 1: 522, (Phalaena (Geometra)). Syntypes (Linnean Society of London,
         UK), Europe [probably near Åbo (=Turku), Finland] (examined externally).
     rufofasciosa Esper, 1794, Die Schmett. 3 Suppl. (5–6): 58, pl. 90, pl. 4, 5, (Ph[alaena] Bomb[yx]).
     viridifasciosa Esper, 1794, Die Schmett. 3 Suppl. (5–6): 58, pl. 90, figs 6, 7, (Ph[alaena] Geom[etra]). Syntypes male,
         female, [Europe].

fasciaria cedricola Wehrli, 1929, Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 19: 319, pl. 24, fig. 3; pl. 25, fig. 9, 10, (Ellopia). Syntypes 9 males, 2
     females (Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany), [Turkey (former Syria)]:
     Achyr Dagh, Bertiz Jaila, 1800 m (examined, including genitalia) [originally as sp., downgraded from species rank
     (Scoble 1999)] (revised status). Herewith downgraded from species to subspecies rank quoting the absence of differential
     features in the genitalia and the exact barcode-sharing with H. fasciaria. See subspecies description below.

fasciaria flavella Wehrli, 1940 (in Wehrli 1939–1954), in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 4 (Suppl.): 322, pl. 24: g, (Ellopia),
     Armenia. [Originally as var, but raised to subspecies rank by Wehrli 1954 (in Wehrli 1939–1954)]. See subspecies
     description below.

Description. External characters and pregenital abdomen (diagnostic characters underlined) (Figures 1, 6):
Wingspan male 27–35 mm, female 34–39 mm. Ground colour variable (see Variation), dominant colours being
different shades of reddish-brown and green. Medial lines often whitish (see Variation). Medial line angled before

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