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BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:56                  

                                                                of green toads. Gordon [48] experimentally demonstrated
                                                                survival of B. viridis in seawater for several hours or days.
                                                                Breeding and swimming in brackish (beach or desert)
                                                                pools and waters [49] as well as estuaries has been
                                                                observed [38]. Therefore, green toads may have the poten-
                                                                tial for transmarine dispersal. The distance from Africa to
                                                                Sicily (~140 km), however, can be considered a  very
                                                                strong barrier, even during low sea levels (>45 km). In
                                                                addition, external  fertilization (and absence of brood
                                                                care) requires that several  adults or larvae disperse  in
                                                                order to found new populations. This and the early diver-
                                                                gence time (0.63 My < 1.83 My < 3.5 My) of African and
                                                                Sicilian lineages make it more plausible that toads with a
                                                                terrestrial life style dispersed via land connections than by
                                                                rafting. This hypothesis was supported in the recent study
                                                                of terrestrial  Chalcides  lizards (see above), which esti-
                                                                mated a similar divergence between Tunisian and Sicilian
                                                                clades (1.8 My [20]) to the one we propose for green
                                                                toads. However, several papers have suggested the ability
                                                                of anurans to overcome large sea barriers [50,51], espe-
                                                                cially in the tropics, where swimming islands may facili-
            Result of a discriminant analysis with 20 morphometric traits
            Figure 4                                            tate rafting. Therefore, comparative phylogeographic data
            Result of a discriminant analysis with 20 morphomet-  from other terrestrial species in Sicily and North Africa
            ric traits. DF1: Discriminant function 1, DF2: Discriminant   would be necessary  to test the feasibility of competing
            function 2 on four groups of green toads specified in the leg-  hypotheses.
                                                                Divergence time estimates based on molecular data nor-
                                                                mally rely on external calibration points from the fossil
            appeared genetically almost identical to Sardinian Chal-  record  or  from well-known paleogeographic events.
            cides, interpreted as a human introduction from Tunisia  Because neither fossil  nor paleogeographic calibration
            into Sardinia. Very recently, however, Giovannotti et al.  points were available, we calculated divergence times
            [20] found two Sicilian Chalcides mtDNA haplotypes to  using an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock and a range
            have  a sister relationship with  Tunisian and Sardinian  of substitution rates for the two mitochondrial fragments.
            haplotypes  (the latter data not shown in the  Chalcides  We acknowledge a potential limitation, that is, the use of
            phylogeny) and interpreted this as a possible Lower Pleis-  only mtDNA to determine divergence times, which may
            tocene (1.8 My) colonization event of Sicily (and Italy)  lead to overestimation of the splitting dates. This overesti-
            from North Africa. (ii) Using allozymes and cytochrome  mation may occur because the most  recent  common
            b, Zangari et al. [25] assessed lineage relationships among  ancestor (MRCA) of the haplotypes (their  coalescent)
            discoglossid frogs from multiple locations in the western  does not necessarily correspond to the real temporal split
            Mediterranean (including Sicily, Sardinia, Tunisia). These  of the populations but may precede the actual divergence
            authors showed a deep divergence of some mtDNA hap-  of the populations  [52]. We consider  substitution  rates
            lotypes across the Strait of  Sicily, but also  some  nearly  between 1% and 3% per lineage per My to be reasonable
            identical haplotypes across Sicily, Tunisia and Algeria.  values for amphibian mtDNA (for references see Materials
            While the authors commented imprecisely (i.e., they did  and Methods) although they have not been empirically
            not specify if the following referred to Gibraltar or Sicily  assessed in green toads. When regions with highly repeti-
            or both) that the "spread of Discoglossus between Europe  tive motifs are absent, as in green toads, the control region
            and Africa should have occurred at the end of the Messin-  tends to show higher rates of substitution than the rest of
            ian salinity crisis", they interpreted closely-related haplo-  the mitochondrial molecule [53,54]. Thus, the substitu-
            types across the Strait of  Sicily as  "little  genetic  tion rates selected here are conservative, higher than the
            differentiation detected among Algerian and Tunisian D.  rate for the rest of the mitochondrial molecule, but lower
            auritus with respect to Maltese and Sicilian D. pictus sug-  than the fastest observed rates for the control region in
            gest [ing] a very recent isolation", without further inter-  other taxa. Higher rates would imply younger dates for the
            preting  or dating their results.  The  significance of  land  splitting of the African and Sicilian lineages. This point is
            connections for faunal exchanges between Africa and Sic-  illustrated by our temporal estimates from the mitochon-
            ily is mildly challenged by the well-known salt tolerance  drial 16S gene which we obtained applying a slower sub-

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