Page 5 - Stöck_alii_2008
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BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:56                  

            Bayesian phylogenetic trees from the mitochondrial control region (d-loop; left), an intron of alpha-tropomyosine (right, gray) and a fragment of the RAG 1 geneFigure 2
            Bayesian phylogenetic trees from the mitochondrial control region (d-loop; left), an intron of alpha-tropomyo-
            sine (right, gray) and a fragment of the RAG 1 gene. The markers comprise 541 bp of the mtDNA control region, 405
            bp of alpha-tropomyosine introns, and 860 bp of RAG-1; Bayesian posterior support values for major nodes are written above
            nodes, * indicates a value of 100% posterior probability. Each branch label in the d-loop tree contains the sample number and
            the major locality information. (Note that each label on the nuclear trees corresponds to the exactly horizontally opposite
            label of the d-loop tree. ("B." in the d-loop tree stands for Bufo; all samples labeled "B." were sequenced by A. Sicilia; all "Bufo"
            samples were sequenced by M. Stöck).

            that differs from toads from the Middle East [28]. Mito-  Lampedusa, and Kerkennah) and North African mainland
            chondrial  sequences show moderate  differentiation  haplotypes (Table 1: pairwise F = 0.16073, p = 0.00000),
            between  all islands considered together (Djerba,   suggesting recent faunal  exchange.  Fluctuate  suggested

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