Page 3 - Vogel_ali_1989
P. 3

ldentity of the Sicilian shrew  245

C. leucodon


C. suaveolens

C. sicula

C. z1mmermanni

        C. russula

Fig. 2: A comparison of the skulls and the external view of the P4 of t he European species
of Crocidura. Features which are help ful for indification are drawn in black or are emphasized
by thick lines; a rrows point to a unique character of each species. Scale is 1 mm. Design by
R. Hutterer.

the first given to a shrew fro m Sicily and has been used by various autho rs, either
as a species or subspecies name. Miller (1901, 1912) referred a series of 9 specimens
to C sicula, demonstrating t hat he himself regarded this as the coinmon species of
Sicily, while C caudata was based upon a single aberrant shrew. The name C caudata
was used provisionally by Vogel (1988) but should now be replaced definiti vely by
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