Page 11 - Zapparoli_2007
P. 11





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                  ~ Holoarctic   11!1  European   D Mediten·anean   D Endemics
       Fig.  l  . Percenrages of main chororypes (Holoarctic, European, Medirerranean) and Italian endemie species in the
      centipede fauna of the centra! Apennines; see rext far the abbreviarions
         T yrrhenian endemie species respectively;  moreover, i t should be noted that
         the centrai Apennine region has  approximately a third of the centipede
         species exclusive to the Itaiian fauna, 48 according to Foddai et al.  (1995),
         even if this estimate is probably in excess given the uncertain vaiidity of some
         taxa (Zapparoli an d Minelli, 2006);
         a percent lightly greater than 50% of northern elements, Holarctic (4 species)
         and especiaily European sensu  lato species, sixty percent of the former repre-
         sented by lithobiomorph species; among the European species, the S-European
         (l O species)  an d the Centraieuropean (7 species) species are prevaient; more-
         aver,  the  European  component  is  more  consistent  in  the  more  internai
         Apennine areas, which are part of the centrai mountain chain (Reatini, Velino-
         Sirente, Marsicana, Matese Mountains), and, secondarily, in areas of the more
         orientai Apennine chains (Catria, Nerone, Sibillini, Laga, Gran Sasso, Maiella
         Mountains);  lower vaiues were observed in the reliefs of the western moun-
         tain chains (Sabini, Prenestini, Simbruini-Ernici, Cairo Mountains) and of the
         Anti-Apennines mountains  (Lepini and Ausoni-Aurunci Mountains); imer-
         mediate values  were  observed  in  the  hilly  areas  of volcanic  origin  of the
         Tyrrhenian side  (Amiata,  Tolfa,  Cimini-Vicani,  Sabatini Mountains,  and
         Albani Hills); in the flatlands  and hilly areas,  in particular those aiong the
         Adriatic side, the consistency of this component is, on the contrary, relatively

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