Page 5 - Zapparoli_2007
P. 5
Western Apennines chains
13. Sabini, Cornicolani, Lucretili, Carseolani Mountains, and Cicalano (Sbi):
between the valley of the Nera River to the north-west, the valley of the Tevere
River and the Campagna Romana to the south-west, the valley of the Aniene River
to the south-east, and the valley of the Salto and Velino Rivers to the north-east.
14. Prenestini an d Ruffi Mountains: between the valley of the Aniene River
to the north an d to the east, the Campagna Romana to the west, an d the Albani
Hills and valley of the Sacco River to the south.
15. Simbruini-Ernici Mountains (Ern): between the high valley of the
Aniene River to the north-west, the Sacco River to the west and to the south,
and the Liri River to the east.
16. Cairo Mountain (Cai): between the valley of the Melfa River to the
north-west and the west, the valley of the Liri River to the south, the valley of
the Volturno River to the east, and the Mollarino and the Chiaro Rivers to
the north-east and the north.
Centrai Apennines chains
17. Reatini Mountains (Rea): between the Nera River to the north and
north-west an d the valley of the V dino River to the south-west an d south-east.
18. Velino-Sirente (V el): between the valley of the Velino River to the north-
west, the valley of the Sagittario River to the south-east, the valley of the Aterno
River to the north-east, and the valley of the Salto River to the south-west;
Nuria Mountain is also included in this sector.
19. Marsicana Mountain and adjacent reliefs of the National Park of
Abruzzo (Mar): the high valley of the Sangro River.
20. The Matese Massif (Mat): between the valley of the Cavaliere, Rio and
Biferno Rivers to the north, the valley of the Volturno River to the west and south-
west, the valley of the Calore River to the south, an d the valley of the T ammaro
River to the east; the Sannio Mountains were also included in this sector.
Orientai Apennines chains
21. Umbrian-Marchigian Apennines (Umb): between the valley ofFoglia
River to the north and the valley of Chienti River to the south, including Subasio
Mountain and the reliefs north-east of Spoleto.
22. Sibillini Mountains (Sib): between the valley of the Chienti River to the
north and the valley of the Tronto River to the south.
23. Laga Mountains: between the v;tiley of the Tronto River to the north
and the valley of the Vomano River to the south; Campli and Fiori Mountains
were included in this sector.
24. Gran Sasso (Sas): between the valley of the Vomano River to the north,
the valley of the Aterno River to the west, and the valley of the Pescara River
to the south.