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            * Biscutella didyma L., Sp. Pl.: 653 (1753) subsp. didyma
               Name already in use by Italian authors for an entity of Southern Italy, not found in Sicily
               (Raffaelli 1991).
            * Biscutella raphanifolia Poir., Voy. Barbarie 2: 198 (1789)
               Name already in use by Italian botanists for a North-African entity, not found in Sicily (Raffaelli
            * Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br. in W. T. Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 4: 88 (1812) [Bas.
               Thlaspi campestre L., Sp. Pl.: 641 (1753); Lepia campestris (L.) Desv.]
               Uncultivated land, ruins. – In Sicilia lungo le strade (Presl 1826); Castellobuono alle Croci
               (Ucria 1789: sub Thlaspi campestre). Not found anymore afeter Presl. To be excluded according
               to Gussone (1844) and Lojacono (1889: 120), reported in Fiori (1924: record Castelbuono alle
               Croci), Fl. Europ. 1: 399 (1993) and Atlas Fl. Europ. 11: map 2785 (1996). Unknown specimens
               and therefore to be searched in classic localities. – ?RR.
            Lepidium hirtum (L.) Sm., Comp. Fl. Brit. ed. 3: 98 (1818) [Bas: Thlaspi hirtum L., Sp.
               Pl.: 641 (1753)]
            605. Lepidium hirtum subsp. nebrodense (Raf.) Thell. in Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges.
               Zürich 51: 154 (1906) [Bas. Nasturtium nebrodense Raf., Précis Découv. Somiol.: 38
               (1814); Lepidium bonannianum Guss., Fl. Sicul. Prodr. 2: 211 (1828); incl. L. calyco-
               trichum Kunze]
               According to Lojacono (1889) the binomial of Rafinesque should be applied to a distinct taxon
               from L. calycotrichum. – Uncultivated land, pastures, cliffs. – Madonie, M. Cammarata, Caronia,
               Capizzi, M. Scuderi, Etna, Floresta (Gussone 1828); Madonie a Piano Battaglia (Gussone 1845);
               Lago Gurrida (Lopriore 1900); Montesori a Barrilà e Pizzo Cannella (Zodda 1908); Mistretta: tra
               Montagna e Medda (Gramuglio 1954); Nicosia (Gentile 1960 a); Floresta bivio per Tortorici,
               Monte Soro (Brullo & Grillo 1978); Madonie: Piano Battaglia, M. Mufara (Raimondo 1980);
               Madonie: Quacella + P. Colla (Raimondo & al. 1990 b); Madonie a M. Ferro, Pomieri, Colma
               Grande, S. Mauro Castelverde, Nebrodi a Mistretta, P. Candela, Peloritani, Randazzo (Raimondo
               & al. 1994). – NC.

            * Lepidium sativum L., Sp. Pl.: 644 (1753)
               Uncultivated land. – Sfuggito alle colture presso Villarosa (Tineo, Nyman, Gussone) (Gussone
               1845: 846); Canicattì (Lojacono 1889). Not collected anyfurther and perhaps exstinct.
            * Lepidium virginicum L., Sp. Pl.: 645 (1753)
               Along the roads and on ruins. – Reported at the train station of Catania by Ferro (1968), and not
               further confirmed.
            606. Lepidium densiflorum Schrad., Ind. Sem. Hort. Acad. Götting. 1832: 4 (1832) [L. vir-
               ginicum L. var. densiflorum (Schrad.) Fiori]
               Uncultivated land along the roads, ruins. – ?Pantani Capo Passero (Lopriore 1900: sub L. rude-
               rale L., forse identificazione erronea); Sicilia (Pignatti 1982). Confirmed in Fl. Europ. 2 ed. 1:
               401 (1993). – RR.
            Lepidium latifolium L., Sp. Pl.: 644 (1753)

            607. Lepidium latifolium var. velutinum Hayek ex Thell., Lepidium: 161 (1906)
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