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122                          Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                In Sicily and in Greece according to Fl. Europ. 1: 402 (1993). – SE – Uncultivated dry barren
                ground. – Petralia, Nicosia, Polizzi, Castelbuono, S. Filippo, Caltanissetta all’Abbeveratoio di
                Buongiorno, Messina,  Troina (Gussone 1828); Lercara, Caltagirone, S. Maria del Bosco
                (Lojacono 1889); Merì (Zodda 1900 a); Gorghi Carcaci e Carcaciotto (Lopriore 1900); M.
                Sicani: Lago Pian del Leone (Marcenò & al. 1985); Montemaggiore,  Vallelunga, Petralia
                Soprana (Raimondo & al. 1994); Madonie near Petralia Sottana (Raimondo & al. 2004), Filaga
                (Raimondo & Spadaro PAL) – R.
              608. Lepidium graminifolium L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2: 1127 (1759)
                Road sides, ruins. – Everywhere in coastland and hills. – CC.
              609. Cardaria draba (L.) Desv., J. Bot. Appl. (Desv.) 3: 163 (1815) [Bas. Lepidium draba
                L., Sp. Pl.: 645 (1753)]
                Uncultivated land along the roads, ruins. – Throughout the region. – CC.

              610. Coronopus squamatus (Forssk.) Asch., Fl. Brandenburg 1: 62 (1860) [Bas. Lepidium
                squamatum Forssk., Fl. Aegypt. Arab.: 117 (1775); Senebiera coronopus (L.) Poir. in
                Sidewalks, disturbed ground. – Throughout the region. – C.

              611. Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm., Fl. Brit. 2: 691 (1800) [Bas. Lepidium didymum L.,
                Mant. Pl.: 92 (1767); Senebiera didyma (L.) Pers.]
                Sidewalks, road edges. – Throughout the region. – CC.
              * Coronopus niloticus Spreng. ex J. F. Gmelin in L., Syst. Nat. ed. 13, 2: 853 (1791)
                [Senebiera nilotica DC.]
                Sidewalks, road edges. –  Adventice in Egypt, collected once by  Todaro (Lojacono 1909).
                Adventice and prepahs extinct. – ?EX.

              612. Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort., Fl. Belg.: 123 (1829) [Bas. Brassica orientalis L.,
                Sp. Pl.: 666 (1753); Erysimum perfoliatum Crantz; E. austriacum Baumg. nom. illeg.]
                A weed of cereal fieds. – Reported by Presl (1826: 79), but treated doubtfully by Lojacono (1889:
                120); Taormina (Fiori 1924: 597). Found again along country roads by Roccella (1927), not con-
                firmed later. Treated doubtfully by Jalas & al. (1996: 224, map 2816). Probably casual, but recur-
                rent. – RR.

              * Conringia austriaca (Jacq.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 1: 25 (1826) [Bas. Brassica austriaca
                Jacq., Fl. Austriac. 3: 45 (1775)]
                A weed of cereal fieds. – Reported by C. B. Presl (1826: 79), by never confirmed. Perhaps dis-
                appeared due to transformation in cultivations. To be excluded from the flora sicula.
              613. Moricandia arvensis (L.) DC., Syst. Nat. 2: 626 (1826) [Bas. Brassica arvensis L.,
                Mant. Pl.: 95 (1767)]
                Ruins, uncultivated land, often along the railways. – Throughout the region. – CC.
              614. Moricandia longirostris Pomel, Nouv. Mat. Fl. Atl.: 367 (1875)
                Uncultivated land on clayey, calanque. – Segnalata per la Sicilia in Greuter & al., Med Checklist
                (1984, 1986). More common of previous in calanque of Central-Southern Sicily. – C.
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