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140                          Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                gete presso le Serre, in suolo pingue sassoso”, “vetta del M. Busambra” (Lojacono 1891);
                Madonie Portella Colla (Raimondo & al. 2004). – R.

              719. Rosa canina L., Sp. Pl.: 491 (1753)
                Degraded scrubland, bushes, and hedges. – Throughout the mountains. – CC.
              720. Rosa ×andegavensis Bastard, Ess. Fl. Maine-et-Loire: 189 (1809)
                Probably the hybrid R. canina × stylosa, problematic for the absence of the parent R. stylosa. –

              721. Rosa pouzinii Tratt., Rosac. Monogr. 2: 112 (1823)
                Scrub land, bushes, and hedges. – Lago Gurrida (Minissale & Spampinato 1987); ?D: Sciara di
                Guderi sulle Nebrodi tra Gonato e Canna (Lojacono, 1891). – ?R.
              722. Rosa vosagiaca N. H. F. Desp., Rosa Gall.: 88 (1828) [Rosa ×dumalis Bechst.; Rosa
                glauca Vill.]
                Degraded scrubland. – Abbondante a Portella Miraglia (Nicotra-Ferro 1905); Mandanici, Barrilà
                (Zodda 1908); Etna: nei ginestreti (Poli 1965); Madonie (Raimondo & al. 1994). – R.
              723. Rosa caesia Sm. in Sowerby, Engl. Bot. 33: tab. 2367 (1812)
                Woods. – Reported by Fl. Europ. 2: 29 (1968). – To be searched in existent collections.
              724. Rosa obtusifolia Desv., J. Bot. 2: 317 (1809)
                Woods. – Reported by Fl. Europ. 2: 30 (1968). – To be searched in existent collections. Madonie
                Canna (Raimondo & al. 2004). – ?RR.
              725.  Rosa corymbifera Borckh.,  Vers. Forstbot. Beschr. Holzart.: 319 (1790) [Rosa
                ×dumetorum Thuill., Fl. Paris éd. 2: 250 (1799)]
                The hybrid R. canina × obtusifolia. – Scrub land and woods. – Caltavuturo, Polizzi, Nicosia,
                Randazzo, Parco, Piazza, Delia, S. Maria del Bosco (Gussone 1827); Messina (Arrosto), Isnello
                (Gasparrini), Giuliana, Sotto Caltabellotta a S.  Anna (Gussone 1832); Leonforte e
                Castrogiovanni (Tineo, Nyman, Gussone), Caltagirone (Taranto & Gerbino) (Gussone 1845);
                Nicolosi (Nicotra 1893 a); Peloritani a Issala (Zodda 1900 a); Lago Gurrida (Lopriore 1900); M.
                S. Anna (Cacciato 1950). – R.

              * Rosa ×scabriuscula Sm. in Sowerby, Engl. Bot. 27: t. 1896 (1808)
                The hybrid R. canina × tomentosa. – A single record from Malabotta (Ronsisvalle & Signorello
                1977). According to Fl. Europ., 2: 30 (1968), not found in Sicily. To be collected again and stud-
                ied in the field.
              726. Rosa heckeliana Tratt., Rosac. Monogr. 2: 85 (1823)
                Rocky bushes. – M. Rose (Gasparrini), Madonie Colma Grande, Zottafunno, Piano Principessa,
                Fosse di S. Gandolfo (Gussone 1827); Monti tra Polizzi ed Isnello, Pizzo Palermo, Pizzo
                Antenna, Balzo dell’Occhio, alta regione dell’Etna, Pizzuta (Lojacono 1891). – R.
              * Rosa rubiginosa L., Mant. Pl. Alt.: 564 (1771) [olim R. rubiginosa Guss. (1827) inde
                correctum (1843) cum exclusione var. b.]
                Reported from Madonie, Mistretta, Mandanici, Modica, S. Maria del Bosco (Gussone 1827);
                Felicuri sul Monte (Gussone 1832); Malabotta (Nicotra 1890 b). Perhaps misidentified and not
                confirmed by other authors. Absent from Sicily (cfr. Pignatti 1982).
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