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Bocconea 20 — 2007                                                    143

            740. Geum urbanum L., Sp. Pl.: 500 (1753) [“G. intermedium” auct. non G. ×intermedium
               Ehrh. (1791)]
               Broadleaf disturbed woods and edges of paths within woods. – Throughout hilly and mountain
               woods of Sicily. – C.

            * Potentilla anserina L., Sp. Pl.: 495 (1753)
               Dry meadows, sunny cliffs, walls (particularly on siliceous ground). – Reported doubtful by Fl.
               Europ. 2: 39 (1968). Perhaps absent from the region. – ?RR.

            741. Potentilla argentea L., Sp. Pl.: 497 (1753)
               Dry meadows, sunny cliffs, walls. – Single record: Bosco di Milo (Raimondo & al. 2004). –
               ?Further surveys are needed. – ?RR.
            742. Potentilla calabra Ten., Fl. Napol. 1, Prodr. Suppl. II: lxviii (1815) et Fl. Napol. 1:
               287, tab. xliv (1815) [P. argentea β calabra Ces., Passer. & Gibelli]
               Dry mountain meadows. – Madonie, Etna, Floresta (Gussone 1827); Etna Bosco di Nicolosi,
               Bosco Maletto (Lojacono 1891); Madonie: Piano Battaglia, Fosse di S. Gandolfo (Raimondo
               1980); Etna dal Bosco di Nicolosi sino alle quote più elevate (Raimondo & al. 1994); M. Soro
               (Raimondo & al. 2004). – NC.

            743. Potentilla inclinata Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauph. 3 (1): 567 (1788) [P. canescens Besser,
               Prim. Fl. Galiciae Austriac. 1: 380 (1809)]
               According to Pignatti (1982) apomyptic taxon of hybrid origin growing even distant from the
               parents. – Dry meadows, cliffs. – Caronia, Mistretta (Gussone 1843); Nicolosi al M. delle Teste
               (Lojacono 1891); ?D: Pantano Catania e Simeto fino a Paternò (Lopriore 1900); Caronia e
               Mistretta (Nicotra) (Pignatti 1982: “non … ripresa dagli  AA. più recenti”); Madonie M.
               Catarineci (Raimondo & al. 2004). Classic localities are to be surveyed. – ?RR.
            * Potentilla detommasii Ten., Fl. Napol. 1, Prodr. Suppl. I: lxi (1813) et Fl. Napol. 1: 285,
               tab. xlv (1815)
               According to Lojacono (1891: 178) Sicilian specimens collected by Tineo at Cacudda are not
               identified with P. detommasii, but close to P. pedata Nestler. Specimens to be investigated. – Dry
               meadows, limestone cliffs. – ?D: Palermo sui monti sopra Renda a Cacudda (Tineo 1846), D?:
               Monte Maletto (Etna), versante nord-occidentale dell’Etna (Brullo & Marcenò 1984), but pro-
               bably my mistake!; Specimens of Tineo from Cannata in PAL non referable with P. detommasii!
               Probably to be excluded! – ?RR.

            744. Potentilla recta L., Sp. Pl.: 497 (1753) [“Potentilla pedata” sensu auct. Fl. Sic.; “P.
               hirta” sensu auct. Fl. Sic. non L.]
               Dry meadows, limestone cliffs. – Palermo a S. Martino presso la Niviera, Pizzuta, Via della Piana
               de’ Greci, Mistretta, Bronte, Nicolosi a S. Lio, Cesarò (Gussone 1827: sub P. pedata); Petralia
               (Heldreich) (Gussone 1843); Castellobuono ai castagneti (Minà) (Gussone 1845: 832); Ficuzza
               via della Ramosa, Tortorici, S. Martino, Piana (Lojacono 1891). – R.
            745. Potentilla hirta L., Sp. Pl.: 497 (1753)
               Dry meadows, limestone cliffs. – According to Fl. Europ. 2: 43 (1968) it is absent from Sicily and
               perhaps misidentified. M. La Nave di Bronte (Barbagallo & al. 1979 a). To be verified. – ?R.

            746. Potentilla reptans L., Sp. Pl.: 499 (1753)
               Wet muds, uncultivated land, ruins. – Throughout the region. – CC.
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