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166                          Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                Scaletta del Capriolo, Isnello, Piano Zucchi, M. Zio (Lojacono 1891); Ustica (Carratello & al.
                1991); Madonie: Piano Battaglia + Portella Mandarini (Raimondo & al. 2004). – R.
              ** Lens culinaris Medik. in Vorles. Churpfälz. Phys.-Ökon. Ges. 2: 361 (1797)
                Crops – Cultivated throughout the region. – NC.
              899. Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf. in W. D. J. Koch, Syn. Deut. Schweitz. Fl. ed. 3: 714
                (1892) [Bas. Orobus venetus Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 8: n. 8 (1768); O. variegatus Ten.]
                Broadleaf woods. – S. Martino, Sagana, Pizzuta, Carini, Madonie, Valdemone, Etna (Gussone
                1828); Catania (Cosentini) (Nicotra 1890 a); Castelbuono al Bosco, Monte Soro, Milo (Lojacono
                1891); Lago Gurrida (Lopriore 1900); Bosco di Malabotta (Ronsisvalle & Signorello 1977);
                Frazzanò Contrada Daza, Longi nei pressi del Cimitero (Venturella & al. 1990); M. di Palermo:
                Punte di Cuti, M. Matassaro-Renna, Nevieri sopra Portella della Paglia, M. Pizzuta, M. Petroso
                (Marcenò & Ottonello 1991); Monti di Palermo: M. Saraceno, Costa Lunga, S. Martino al
                Villaggio Montano, M. Gibilmesi, M. Gradara (Pasta & Troia 1994); Madonie Pomieri, Biviere
                di Cesarò (Raimondo & al. 2004). – NC.

              * Lathyrus niger (L.) Bernh., Syst. Verz.: 248 (1800) subsp. niger [Bas. Orobus niger L.,
                Sp. Pl.: 729 (1753); Orobus tristis Lang ex Rchb.]
                Meadows, hedges,bushes. – Reported by Gussone (1844: 271) in the woods of the Etna Mountain
                and collected by Bivona. Never found again neither by Strobl, nor by Tornabene, or by Lojacono,
                nor by others (Lojacono 1891: 153). To be excluded.

              900. Lathyrus pratensis L., Sp. Pl.: 733 (1753) subsp. pratensis
                Meadows, hedges,bushes. – Throughout mountains and in hills at Piazza Armerina! e presso
                Palermo al Parco e all’Oreto (Parlatore) (Gussone 1844). – NC.
              901.  Lathyrus pratensis subsp.  velutinus (DC.) Soják in Čas. Nár. Muz. Praze, Rada
                Přír.152 (1): 21(1983) [Bas. L. pratensis var. velutinus DC., Prodr. 2: 370 (1825); L.
                pratensis var. pubescens Strobl ex Fiori]
                Meadows, hedges,bushes. – Nicolosi sull’Etna (Strobl 1880: 312). To be searched in the region
                and in herbaria. – R.
              902. Lathyrus grandiflorus Sm. in Sibth. & Sm., Fl. Graec. Prodr. 2: 67 (1813)
                Uncultivated land. – Polizzi, Castellobuono, Partanna, Capizzi, Mistretta, Floresta, Francavilla,
                Milo, Valle del Bove (Cosentini), Cassaro, Buccheri (Gussone 1828); Madonie Acqua del Canale
                (Parlatore) (Gussone 1844); Castellobuono ai Monticelli (Minà), Messina alla Casazza del Re
                (Prestandrea) (Gussone 1845: 854); Catania (Cosentini) (Nicotra 1890 a); Mangalavite (Zodda
                1908); Etna: Nido d’Aquila, Fornazzo, C.da Airone (Ronsisvalle & Signorello 1979); Strada
                Pomieri-Geraci (Brullo & Spampinato 1990); Madonie: Piano Battaglia + Quacella + Vallone
                Madonna degli Angeli (Raimondo & al. 2004). – NC.

              903. Lathyrus sylvestris L., Sp. Pl.: 733 (1753) [L. membranaceus C. Presl in J. & C. Presl;
                incl. “L. membranaceus var. angustifolius” sensu Lojac. an Moris]
                Identification of L. membranaceus C. Presl in J. & C. Presl is identified  with Lathyrus sylvestris
                L. by Guss., Syn. Fl. Sic. 2 (1): 277 (1844). – Dry meadows, hedges. – Throughout the region. –

              904. Lathyrus latifolius L., Sp. Pl.: 733 (1753)
                Uncultivated land, hedges, mainly on basal ground. – Throughout the region, Tarderia all’Etna
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