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72                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                Kéz. 2: 761 (1951) [Bas. C. tenoreanum Ser. in DC., Prodr. 1: 421 (1824); C. brachy-
                petalum auct. non Pers.; C. pilosum Ten. non Sibth. & Sm.]
                Dry localites (often on sands, limestone cliffs, walls). – Reported by Giardina (1995) in stony
                river-beds of M. Scuderi in the Peloritani Mountains. Stable localities also Abbeveratoio di Sella
                Mandrazza! and along the path leading to the pick of the same mountain at 1006 m on s.l.!; Etna
                a Monte La Nave, Etna a Monte Maletto (Brullo & Marcenò 1985). To be surveyed. – R.
              308. Cerastium glomeratum Thuill., Fl. Paris éd. 2: 226 (1799) [C. vulgatum L., Fl. Suec.
                ed. 2: 158 (1755) nom. rej. ?prop. (sententia adhuc non emissa 1.12.1998); C. viscosum
                auct. plur. et L. (1754) non L., Sp. Pl. (1753) nom. rej. prop.]
                A weed of cultivations, debris, and in uncultivated ground, on each substrate. – Everywhere in
                the region. – CC.
              * Cerastium ligusticum Viv., Elench. Pl.: 15 (1802) [C. campanulatum Viv.; C. praecox
                Ten.; C. litigiosum De Lens]
                Sandy cultivated fields. –  Reported from Catania (Gussone 1827: 528, 1843: 510); Noto
                (Silipranti 1887: sub C. campanulatum Viviani) and Pantani Capo Passero (Lopriore 1900: sub
                C. campanulatum Viviani). It has not been observed recently. Probably to be excluded.
              309. Cerastium semidecandrum L., Sp. Pl.: 438 (1753) [C. semidecandrum subsp. lin-
                neanum Maire & Weiller in Maire, Fl. Afr. Nord 9: 218 (1963); C. arenarium Ten.]
                Dunes, dry pastures. – Common in the costal land. – C.

              310. Cerastium pentandrum L., Sp. Pl.: 438 (1753) [C. fallax Guss.]
                Dunes, dry pastures. – Falde della Pizzuta (Gasparrini) (Gussone 1832); Etna a Nicolosi
                (Lojacono 1889); Passo Marinaro presso Scoglitti, Vendicari, Foce Fiume Irminio (Brullo &
                Marcenò 1985); ?D: Nicosia, Sperlinga, Nebrodi, Gurgo Dingoli (Raimondo & al. 1994), loca-
                lities to be referred to Cerastium pumilum; Cava Randello (Giardina & al. 2002). – NC.
              311. Cerastium pumilum Curtis, Fl. Lond. 2 (6): tab. 30 (1777) subsp. pumilum [C. gluti-
                nosum auct. non Fries; C. pallens F. W. Schultz non C. pumilum subsp. pallens sensu
                Fl. Europ. (1964, 1993); incl. C. diffusum Pers. subsp. subtetrandrum (Lange) P. D. Sell
                & Whitehead; C. subtetrandrum (Lange) Murb.; C. pumilum fo. subtetrandrum Lange;
                “C. alsinoides” sensu Guss. (1832) non Pers.]
                Pastures and dry uncultivated ground, along the roads, vineyards, also subalophilous. – Found
                by us in the disturbed sandy dunes between Balestrate and Marina di Alcamo called Macchie
                d’Alcamo (17.5.02, Giardina herb. Giardina PAL). Nicosia, Sperlinga (Gussone 1832); Madonie
                al Ferro (Minà) (Gussone 1845: 825); Valdemone, Gurgo di Dingoli (Lojacono 1889). – R.

              312. Cerastium pumilum subsp.  glutinosum (Fries) Corb., Nouv. Fl. Normandie: 99
                (1894), isonymus (Fries) Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fenn. 20: 110 (1983) [Bas. C. glutinosum
                Fries, Novit. Fl. Suec.: 51 (1817)]
                Dry meadows, uncultivated ground, ruins, stony and sandy localities. –Found by us at the mouth
                of S. Leonardo river, at Piano Grilli on the Etna mountain and in beds with filling soil at Catania,
                in Corso Indipendenza.– NC.

              313. Cerastium diffusum Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 520 (1805) subsp. diffusum
                Costal dry ground, pastures and uncultivated ground, cliffs, woods. – Found by us along the
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