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70                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                Madonie), ca 1900 m s.m., s.d.,  Strobl (BP,  W,  WU), -In rupibus calcareis elatis Rupi di
                Busambra, 1879, Lojacono (PR, PRC) (cfr. Dvoøáková 2003). – R.

              294. Rhodalsine geniculata (Poir.) F. N. Williams in Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 7 (1898) [Bas.
                Arenaria geniculata Poir., Voy. Barbarie 2: 166 (1789); Minuartia geniculata (Poir.)
                Thell.; Alsine procumbens Vahl non (L.) Crantz; Alsine procumbens Fenzl non (L.)
                Crantz; A. geniculata var.  procumbens (Strobl) Fiori;  Alsine geniculata Strobl;
                Arenaria bartolotti Tineo; “Alsine procumbens var. bartolottae” Lojac.; Arenaria pro-
                cumbens Guss.]
                Sands and maritime cliffs. – Everywhere in the region. – C.

              295. Stellaria media (L.) Vill. s.s., Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 3 (2): 615 (1789) [Bas. Alsine media
                L., Sp. Pl.: 272 (1753)]
                Ruderal and a weed, human sites, gardens. – Hills and moutains. – NC.
              296. Stellaria cupaniana (Jord. & Fourr.) Bég. in Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. ser. 2, 15: 552
                (1908) [Bas. Alsine cupaniana Jord. & Fourr., Brev. Pl. Nov. 2: 19 (1868)]
                Antropogen vegetation. – This entity shows differences with S. media s. s. only in the sandy
                ground of the Aegean region [see further comments in  Jalas & Suominen (1972-94, 6: 72-74)].
                – Everywhere in the region. – CC.

              297. Stellaria neglecta Weihe, Bluff & Fingerh., Comp. Fl. Germ. 1: 560 (1826)
                Uncultivated land. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.

              298. Stellaria pallida (Dumort.) Piré in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 2: 49 (1863) [Bas. Alsine pal-
                lida Dumort., Fl. Belg.: 109 (1829)]
                Uncultivated land. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.
              * Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop., Fl. Carniol. ed. 2, 1: 319 (1771) [Bas.  Cerastium
                aquaticum L., Sp. Pl.: 439 (1753); Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench; Cerastium scan-
                dens Lej.]
                Reported by Pignatti (1982) and by Greuter & al. (1984 b), but considered absent by Jalas &
                Suominen (1972-94) being absent in the Sicilian herbaria and in FI. Probably to be cancelled.

              * Stellaria aetnensis Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 3: 430 (1909) [?S. graminea L.]
                Species of uncertain definition. – Etna (Bivona) (Lojacono 1909). – Perhaps to be excluded.

              299. Holosteum umbellatum L., Sp. Pl.: 88 (1753)
                Uncultivated sandy ground, wheat  fields. – M. Cammarata, Ficuzza alla  Valle di Maria
                (Lojacono 1889); Le Nebrodi, Etna a Pedara (Lojacono 1889: 232); Monte Carbonara
                (Raimondo & al. 2004); Etna near Ragalna up to 1500 m a.s.l.! – NC.
              300. Cerastium dubium (Bastard) Guépin, Fl. Maine & Loire: 267 (1830) [Bas. Stellaria
                dubia Bastard, Fl. Maine-et-Loire Suppl. 24 (1812); C. anomalum Willd. non Schrank]
                Uncultivated ground, fields, wet localities. – Valdemone al Gurgo di Cartolari (Lojacono 1889).
                – RR.

              301. Cerastium tomentosum L., Sp. Pl.: 440 (1753) [“C. arvense” sensu Guss. (1827)
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