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66                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

              273. Portulaca oleracea L., Sp. Pl.: 445 (1753) subsp. oleracea
                The archetype plant growing in several regions. Recently distinguished in infraspecific ranks.
                Unknown origin (Walters 1964). The taxon of this entry represents the first subspecies to have
                reached the Mediterranean basin; the presence of other subspecies is more recent (Danin & al.
                1978). Variants and similar are taxonomically and caryologically distinguished to be treated at
                the rank of species according to Ricceri & Arrigoni (2000): here  we follow the approach of
                Danin & al. (1978). – Fields, gardens, uncultivated ground. – Everywhere in the  region. – CC.
              274. Portulaca oleracea subsp. stellata Danin & H. G. Baker in Israel J. Bot. 27: 198
                Fields, gardens, uncultivated ground. – Rather uncommon in Europe (Danin & al. 1978). Greece,
                Macedony, Sapin (Danin & al. 1978.). In Spain confined in the Provinces of Cordoba, Sevilla
                and Huelva (Danin 1981). Termini Imerese (Baldini, Cuccuini & Ricceri) (Ricceri & Arrigoni
                2000). Further surveys are reccomended. – ?R.
              275. Portulaca oleracea subsp.  granulato-stellulata (Poelln.) Danin & H. G. Baker in
                Israel J. Bot. 27: 189 (1978) [Bas. P. oleracea var. granulatostellulata Poelln. in Occ.
                Pap. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 12: 9 (1936)]
                The most common subspecies of  P. oleracea (Danin & al. 1978). Israel and Spagna in the
                Province of Cádiz (Danin 1981). – Fields, gardens, uncultivated ground. – Scattered in the
                Island. – ?C.

              276. Portulaca oleracea subsp. nitida Danin & H. G. Baker in Israel J. Bot. 27: 194 (1978)
                United Kingdom, Israel, Egypt (Danin & al. 1978). Spain, Cordoba and Cádiz (Danin 1981). –
                Fields, gardens, uncultivated ground. – Scattered in the Island. – ?C.
              277. Portulaca oleracea subsp. papillato-stellulata Danin & H. G. Baker in Israel J. Bot.
                27: 200 (1978) [Syn.Portulaca macrantha (Maire) Ricceri & Arrigoni in Parlatorea 4:
                93 (2000), Portulaca oleracea L. var. macrantha Maire in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique
                N. 20: 18 (1929)]
                In Spain in the province of Cádiz (Danin 1981). – Fields, gardens, uncultivated ground. –
                Termini Imerese “in una fiumara presso la città” (Baldini,  Cuccuini &  Ricceri) (Ricceri &
                Arrigoni 2000). Scattered in the Island. – ?C.

              Montia fontana L., Sp. Pl.: 87 (1753)
              278. Montia fontana subsp. variabilis Walters in Watsonia 3: 5 (1953)
                According to Fiori (1923, 3: 443) two varieties are reported in Sicily: M. fontana var. minor C.
                C. Gmel. e M. fontana var. rivularis C. C. Gmel. Unknown therefore to this author M. fontana
                subsp.  variabilis;  Single taxon:  M. minor for Lojacono (1891) and previous authors. –  Wet
                ground. – Only in the Etna area according to Jalas & Suominen (1972-94, 5: map 664). – NC.
              279. Montia fontana subsp. amporitana Sennen in Bull. Géogr. Bot. 21: 110 (1911) [M.
                rivularis auct.]
                Wet  ground. – Only in the Madonie Mountains according to Jalas & Suominen (1972-94, 5: map
                664);. ?Messina al Campo (Nicotra 1886: 12) (described by Nicotra loc. cit. as a different vari-
                ety from M. rivularis). – NC.
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