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Bocconea 20 — 2007                                                     61

               Salt coastal localities. – Trapani e altrove (Lojacono 1904); Torre Manfria (Brullo & al. 1998).
               Distribution needs to be verified. – C.
            235. Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) C. Koch, Hort. Dendrol.: 96 (1853)
               [Isonym: Moris in Moris & Delponte, Enum. Sem. Hort. Taur. 1854: 35, tab. 2 (1854);
               Bas. Salicornia macrostachya Moric., Fl. Venet.: 2 (1820); Syn. Arthrocnemum glau-
               cum (Delile) Ung.-Sternb.]
               Salt ground on the coast. – Everywhere in the coastland. – CC.
            236. Salicornia europaea L., Sp. Pl.: 3 (1753) [S. herbacea (L.) L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2: 5 (1762);
               S. patula Duval-Jouve]
               Salt ground, muddy sands, zones of low tide. – Everywhere in the region with suitable habitat. –

            * Salicornia emericii Duval-Jouve in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 15: 176 (1869)
               Populations have been misidentified and reported as found in Sicily (see. Lojacono 1904: 275).
               Today it is included in S. fragilis P. W. Ball & Tutin within the S. procumbens group and report-
               ed in North-Western Europe (see. Jalas & Suominen 1972-94, 5: map 569).To be cancelled.
            237. Suaeda vera J. F. Gmelin in L., Syst. Nat. ed. 13, 2 (1): 503 (1791) subsp. vera
               [Suaeda fruticosa auct. non Forssk.; Chenopodium fruticosum L. (1759) non L. (1753)]
               Clayey-salt ground on the coast and in inner localities. – Everywhre on the coastland and in
               hills. – CC.
            238. Suaeda vermiculata Forssk. ex J. F. Gmelin in L., Syst. Nat.: 503 (1791) [incl. S.
               kochii Guss.; Suaeda pruinosa Lange var. kochii (Guss.) Maire & Weiller]
               Marl. – Porto Empedocle e Lampedusa (Bartolo & al. 1988). Confined to Porto Empedocle, in
               danger of extinction! – RR.
            239. Suaeda pelagica Bartolo, Brullo & Pavone in Willdenowia 16(2): 391 (1987)
               ES – Cliffs near to the waves. – Lampedusa falesie tra Capo Ponente e dell’Acqua e sulle
               falesie di Sanguedolce (Bartolo & al. 1987). – RR.
            240. Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort., Fl. Belg.: 22 (1829) [Bas. Chenopodium maritimum
               L., Sp. Pl.: 220 (1753); incl. S. jacquini Ten.; C. salsum (Jacq.) Guss., Fl. Sicul. Prodr.
               1: 299 (1827) non L.; C. jacquini Ten.]
               Salt ground with organic remains. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.
            241. Salsola soda L., Sp. Pl.: 223 (1753)
               Beaches with organic remains. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.
            242. Salsola kali L., Sp. Pl.: 222 (1753) [“S. tragus” sensu Guss. non L. (1756); incl. S.
               controversa Tod. ex Nyman]
               Pioneer on sand. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.

            Salsola tragus L., Cent. Pl. 2: 13 (1756)
            243. Salsola tragus subsp. pontica (Pall.) Rilke in Biblioth. Bot. 149:133 (1999) [Bas. Salsola kali
               var. pontica Pall., Ill. Pl.: 37 (1803)]
               Reported by Rilke (1999). – Pioneer on sand. – Everywhere in the region. – NC.
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