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56                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

              205. Chenopodium urbicum L., Sp. Pl.: 218 (1753) [C. melanospermum Wallr. = “C.
                melanospermum” sensu Guss. (1832)]
                Especially in human sites on ruins. – S. Agata, Alimena, S. Filippo d’Argirò, Regalbuto, Paternò,
                Piana dei Greci, Traina, Cesarò, Mistretta (Gussone 1827); Ficarazzi presso Palermo (Tineo)
                (Gussone 1832); Messina al Salvatore (Prestandrea) (Gussone 1845: 800); Pantano Catania e
                Simeto fino a Paternò, Lago di Lentini (Lopriore 1900); Roccapalumba,  Termini, Ficarazzi,
                Ficuzza, Mirto, Misilmeri (Lojacono 1904); Siracusa (Zodda 1929); Lago Fanaco, Lago Ancipa,
                Lago Arancio (Brullo & Marcenò 1974 b); Palermitano: Fondo Carramusa (Raimondo & al.
                1979); Foce del Simeto on the left bank! – NC.

              206. Chenopodium murale L., Sp. Pl.: 219 (1753)
                Uncultivated ground, ruins, urban sites. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.

              * Chenopodium ficifolium Sm., Fl. Brit. 1: 276 (1800)
                Close to  C. album –  Uncultivated ground. – Rare in Sicily and generally little collected.
                Excluded by Fl. Europ. 1: 114 (1993) and by Atl. Fl. Europ. 5: 28 (1980). To be verified. – ?R.
              207. Chenopodium opulifolium Schrad. ex DC. in Lam. & DC., Fl. Franç. éd. 3, 5: 372,
                n. 2258a (1815) [Isonym C. opulifolium Schrad. ex W. D. J. Koch & Ziz, Cat. Pl.: 6
                (1814), nom. nud.]
                Close to C. album – Gardens, colture, and abandoned sites. – Common everywhere in the region
                and widely collected. – C.
              208. Chenopodium album L., Sp. Pl.: 219 (1753) [C. viride L., Sp. Pl.: 219 (1753); C.
                pedunculare Bertol.]
                Linnean synonymous: the morphological differences derived from the habitat do not determine
                taxonomic differences! – Uncultivated ground, ruins, weed in Summer and Autumn cultivations.
                – Everywhere in the region. – CC.

              209. Chenopodium amaranthicolor (Coste & A. Reyn.) Coste & A. Reyn. in Bull. Soc.
                Bot. France 54: 181 (1904) [Bas. C. album subsp. amaranthicolor Coste & A. Reyn. in
                Bull. Herb. Boissier sér. 2, 5: 979 (1905); C. giganteum D. Don]
                Uncultivated ground and ruins. – Exotic native to India, reported in the surroundings of the
                Botanical Garden of Messina by Musmarra (1935). Vittoria: orchards and gardens (Giardina!). –
              210. Cycloloma atriplicifolia (Spreng.) J. M. Coult. in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5: 143
                (1894) [Bas. Salsola atriplicifolia Spreng., Nachtr. 1 Bot. Gart. Halle: 35 (1801)]
                Sands with salt ponds. – Reported as occasional only in a single locality in the region (Giardina
                1995 b) Arena di Catania between Plaja along Aeroporto Fontanarossa. Further surveys are rec-
                commended, and possible findings. – RR.

              211. Spinacia oleracea L., Sp. Pl.: 1027 (1753) [incl. S. glabra Lojac. (1904)]
                Cultivated, rarely wild. – NC.

              212. Atriplex halimus L., Sp. Pl.: 1052 (1753) [?incl. A. bocconi Guss. (1845) + A. hal-
                imoides Tineo, Cat. Pl. Horti Panorm. 1827: 277 (1828)]
                Cliffs and uncultivated sandy ground near the sea, in inner sites on salt lands. – Everywhere in
                the region. – C.
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