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Bocconea 20 — 2007                                                     53

               Wet woods, river-beds. – Common in floaded sites from the coast to the mountain. – C.
            179. Rumex sanguineus L., Sp. Pl.: 334 (1753)
               Wet deciduous woods, cerris and beech-woods. – Common in floaded mountain sites. – NC.
            180. Rumex pulcher L., Sp. Pl.: 336 (1753) subsp.  pulcher [incl.  R. usticanus Lojac.
               Uncultivated land, ruins, meadows and semi-humid ground. – Common everywhere in Sicily. –
            181. Rumex pulcher subsp. woodsii (De Not.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital.: 585 (1882) [Bas.
               R. woodsii De Not., Ort. Rom. Cat. Sem. 1875: 28 (1876); R. divaricatus auct. non L.]
               Uncultivated land meadows and semi-humid ground. – Comune in Sicilia, Palermo, Amorosa a
               sud di Busambra, Vicari (Gussone 1827); F. Troina, Lago Gurrida, Zingaro P.lla S. Giovanni
               (Raimondo & al. 2004). – C.
            182. Rumex pulcher subsp. raulinii (Boiss.) Rech. fil. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt. 1, 49
               (2): 39 (1932) [Bas. R. raulinii Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. ser. 1, 12: 100 (1853)]
               Uncultivated land, meadows and semi-humid ground. – Caltagirone “cum R. pulchro commix-
               to” (Lojacono 1904). To be confirmed. – ?R.

            183. Rumex obtusifolius L., Sp. Pl.: 335 (1753) [R. friesii Gren. & Godr.]
               Meadows near roads. – Fiumi: Irminio, Simeto, Ciane (Ferro & Di Benedetto 1979); Contrada
               Pomieri (Madonie), Monte San Salvatore, Fiume Tellaro (Noto), Fiume Irminio (Ragusa), Fiume
               Anapo (Ferla) (Brullo & Marcenò 1985); In Catania at the ringroad!, Marianopoli! Unknown to
               old botanists; its spread in human sites let suppose a recent occurintroduction. – R.

            * Rumex dentatus L. s.l., Mant. Pl. Alt.: 226 (1767)
               Incertan subspecies. – Uncultivated wet ground. – Reported for Boccadifalco (Lojacono 1904:
               298, sub R. uliginosus Guss.) but not collected anymore. Probably extinct. – EX.
            184. Rumex palustris Sm., Fl. Brit. 1: 394 (1800) [incl. R. palustris subsp. uliginosus
               (Guss.) Arcang. (1882)]
               Probably the hybrid R. maritimus × obtusifolius auct. (Pignatti 1982). In the Sicilian population
               characteristics of  R. maritimus prevail –  Marshes. – Palermo a Boccadifalco (herb.  Todaro)
               (Lojacono 1904). After Todaro (fide Lojacono 1904) not collected anymore for the last 150
               years, however reporteed by Greuter & al. (1989). Found in the Piana di Catania (herb. Giardina
               PAL). – RR.
            185. Rumex bucephalophorus L., Sp. Pl.: 336 (1753) subsp.  bucephalophorus [R.
               bucephalophorus L. subsp. graecus (Steinh.) Rech. fil.]
               Uncultivated ground, especially sands, costal beaches. –  The subspecies is described by
               Rechinger (1939). Everywhere in Sicily s.s. (Press 1988). – CC.
            * Rumex bucephalophorus subsp. hispanicus (Steinh.) Rech. fil. in Bot. Not. 1939: 500
               (1939) [Bas. R. bucephalophorus var. hispanicus Steinh. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2,
               9: 210 (1838)]
               Uncultivated sandy ground, beaches. – To be excluded from Sicily (Press 1988).
            186. Rumex bucephalophorus subsp. gallicus (Steinh.) Rech. fil. in Bot. Not. 1939: 497
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