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54                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                (1939) var. gallicus [Bas. R. bucephalophorus var. gallicus Steinh. in Ann. Sci. Nat.
                Bot. sér. 2, 9: 200 (1838); Syn. at the rank of subspecies: “R. bucephalophorus subsp.
                bucephalophorus” sensu Rech. fil. in Tutin & al., Fl. Europ. 1: 88 (1964)]
                Sandy layer on cliffs near the sea. – Lampedusa tra Capo Grecale e Albero Sole (Bartolo & al.
                1988: sub R. bucephalophorus subsp. aegeus Rechinger fil.); Lampedusa e Sicilia s.s. (Press
                1988). – R.
              187. Rumex bucephalophorus subsp. gallicus var. stenocarpus (G. Beck) Press in Bot. J.
                Linn. Soc. 97: 352 (1988) [Bas. R. bucephalophorus L. var. gallicus fo. stenocarpus G.
                Beck in Reichenb. & Reichenb. fil., Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 24 (2): 42 (1904)]
                Sandy layer on costal cliffs. – Linosa (Brullo & Siracusa 1995: sub R. bucephalophorus subsp.
                aegeus Rech. fil.); Linosa e Sicilia s.s. (Press 1988: showed in map, specimens not cited). – NC.

              188. Rumex bucephalophorus subsp. gallicus var. subaegaeus Maire in Bull. Soc. Hist.
                Nat. Afrique N. 31: 38 (1940)
                Sandy layer on cliffs near the sea. – Eastern Sicily (Press 1988: showed in map, specimens not
                cited). – R.

              * Rumex bucephalophorus subsp. gallicus var. aegaeus (Rech. fil.) Maire in Bull. Soc.
                Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 31: 38 (1940) [Bas. Rumex bucephalophorus subsp.  aegaeus
                Rech. fil. in Bot. Not. 1939: 495 (1939)]
                Taxon  of Greece, Aegean Islands and Lybia, to be excluded from Sicily (Press 1988).

              189. Emex spinosa (L.) Campd., Monogr. Rumex: 58 (1819) [Rumex spinosus L., Sp. Pl.:
                337 (1753)]
                Uncultivated dry land, brook river-beds, coastland. – Everywhere just above the sea level. – CC.

              190. Beta vulgaris L., Sp. Pl.: 222 (1753) subsp. vulgaris [“B. cycla” sensu Guss. (1843);
                B. sulcata Gasparr. in Guss. (1845); “B. cycla var. b” sensu Lojac. non B. cycla Guss.,
                cum omnibus varietatibus]
                Wild on the coasts and commonly cultivated. – Common everywhere in the region down to the
                low-mountain. – CC.
              191. Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital.: 593 (1882) [Bas. Beta
                maritima L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2: 322 (1762)]
                Along the coasts. – Common everywhere on the coastland. – CC.

              192. Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla (L.) Schübler & G. Martens, Fl. Würtemberg: 206 (1834)
                [Bas. Beta cicla L., Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 2: 195 (1767)]
                Escaped from cultivation and rarely wild. – Lipari, Linosa (Zodda 1908). – R.
              193. Beta macrocarpa Guss., Fl. Sicul. Prodr. 1: 302 (1827)
                Uncultivated clayey salt ground. – Mainly on the coastland overlooking the Channel of Sicily.
                Found also in the Piana di Catania, Etna, Palermitano, Lampedusa, Alicudi. – NC.

              194. Patellifolia patellaris (Moq.) A. J. Scott, Ford-Lloyd & J. T. Williams in Taxon 26(2-
                3): 284 (1977) [Beta patellaris Moq. in DC., Prodr. 3 (2): 57 (1828)]
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