Page 14 - climate-change2013
P. 14

Temperature and salinity are expected to increase   At this stage there are no widely accepted scenarios for
                     throughout the whole water column, that is, in the up-  the longer-term regional distribution of projected sea-
                     per, intermediate and deep layers. Sea-surface temper-  level rise in the Mediterranean. Sea-level for a particular
                     atures are expected to be approximately 2.5°C higher   region might be quite different from the global mean.
                     by 2100. As a consequence of this general warming,   The contributions of ice melt and local factors such as
                     deep-water formation and the ventilation (oxygenation)   local tectonic movements or storm surge together with
                     of deep basins could be reduced. The thermohaline   temperature and salinity changes will affect the rise in
                     circulation of the Mediterranean, with Atlantic waters   sea levels around the Mediterranean coastline, from
                     entering through the Strait of Gibraltar and Mediterra-  hardly any change to rises of many tens of centimetres.
                     nean waters flowing out to the Atlantic Ocean, is also
                     expected  to  weaken.  In  parallel,  seawater  salinity  will
                     become progressively higher by roughly 0.5 units over
                     the next 100 years.

                         Model prediction on sea surface temperature (°C) and salinity variations in the future climate (2070-2099)
                                          relative to the past climate (1961-1990). (From Lionello, 2012.)

                                 Model prediction on Sea Surface Temperature variations between 2070-2090 and 1961-1990

                      Latitude 40N


                             10W              0E               10E              20E              30E
                                                   Champ en couleur ( ): Min=1.29, Max=3.79, Int=0.10

                           2.0         2.2        2.4         2.6        2.9         3.1         3.3        3.5
                                        Model prediction on Salinity variations between 2070-2090 and 1961-1990

                      Latitude 40N


                             10W              0E               10E              20E              30E
                                                   Champ en couleur ( ): Min=-0.24, Max=5.40, Int=0.10

                           -1.0    -0.8    -0.6    -0.4    -0.2    0.0      0.2     0.4     0.6     0.8     1.0

                      12       COLLECTION
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