Page 23 - climate-change2013
P. 23

information on the responses of different communities
             Refugia: Physical environments that are     and sites in these locations.
             less affected by climate change than other
             areas (i.e., due to local currents, geographic   An illustrative example may be found in the north-west-
             location, etc.) and are thus a “refuge”     ern Mediterranean, where different environmental con-
             from climate change for organisms.          ditions can modulate the impact of anomalous regional
                                                         warming. The local hydrological conditions found in the
                                                         Medes Islands MPA (north-eastern Spain) result in the
          potentially resilient sites (or  refugia) into the manage-  absence of extreme temperatures (short-term anoma-
          ment design to facilitate the recovery of less resilient ar-  lies) even in summer, and in attenuated temperature
          eas. The former measure will require collaboration with   variations during periods of long anomalies. This makes
          other coastal users and planners as well as ensuring   the area less vulnerable to mass-mortality events in cor-
          that good monitoring information is gathered so as to   alligenous communities than areas such as Marseille
          be able to take action and identify targeted approaches   (close to Port Cros National Park) and Corsica (Scan-
          to specific pressures. The second type of measure will   dola Nature Reserve), where the hydrodynamics cannot
          require the identification of areas that were resilient to   buffer anomalous temperatures, resulting in intolerable
          past climate change impacts as well as the collection of   conditions for many species (Crisci et al., 2011).

              Blue carbon sinks

              The organic deposits in Mediterranean saltmarshes and seagrass meadows, principally those of Posi-
              donia oceanica, are an exceptional example of a natural carbon sink ecosystem as they considerably
              reduce the harmful effects of human carbon emissions by capturing and storing part of the excess carbon
              dioxide (CO ). Such carbon that is sequestered, stored and released from coastal ecosystems, including
              mangrove swamps, is known as ‘blue carbon’.
              Posidonia oceanica meadows can sequester and store large amounts of organic carbon in sediments and
              biomass: the average storage rate for the Mediterranean is calculated to be 0.15 to 8.75×10  tC a year, ac-
              cording to several recent studies (Serrano, 2011). Overall, the historical carbon deposits in the mats below
              Mediterranean seagrass meadows could amount to as much as 2.5 to 20.5×10  tC. Their large capacity
              together with their extremely long carbon residence time makes Posidonia meadows a very important
              carbon sink relative to the total carbon stored in the oceans (Pergent et al., 2012).
                                                         When degraded or disturbed (e.g. by trawling,
                                                         pollution or other cumulative stressors), however,
                                                         these habitats can release the carbon dioxide
                                                         back into the ocean and atmosphere, thus having
                                                         an adverse effect by increasing greenhouse emis-

                                                         Well represented in many Mediterranean MPAs,
                                                         these seagrass meadows are highly biodiverse
                                                         habitats whose conservation helps mitigate cli-
                                                         mate change effects, in  addition to increasing
                                                         the MPAs’ natural resilience. MPA managers can
                                                         assist by preventing the loss of the carbon that
                                                         is currently stored in these habitats and improv-
                                                         ing management to enable the seagrass to retain
                                                         more carbon, through restoration programmes.
                                                         Mediterranean saltmarshes and seagrass mead-
                                                         ows could play an important role in national car-
                                                         bon accounting schemes and provide a source of
                                                         future funding for conservation efforts.
              Posidonia oceanica. Photo: M.Otero

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