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4 M. Angiolillo et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
Photos were analyzed by means of Image J software (http://rsb- depending on the geographical characteristic of each location., using laser beams as a scale. In order to The length of each transect varied between 100 and 900 m.
assess the differences among the three studied regions, relative
abundance (with a not normal distribution) was verified by the A total of 3018 photos were analyzed and 368 benthic marine
non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis H test and the post hoc Nemenyi- debris items were recorded. The number of areas without any sign
Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test. of debris was negligible.
The distance of each area from the nearest coast was also The highest median value of debris abundance was found in
measured. Campania (0.12 debris mÀ2, ranging from 0.02 to 0.16 debris
mÀ2), while the lowest value was recorded in Sardinia (0.03 debris
The impact of benthic debris was assessed and classified in 4 mÀ2, 0.01–0.09 debris mÀ2). Sicily showed the widest range of
levels: (i) covering, when debris covered the organisms; (ii) abra- debris abundance (0–0.3 debris mÀ2) and the median value of
sion, when the tissues of the organisms were injured; (iii) hanging, abundance was 0.09 debris mÀ2 (Figs. 2A and 3). Significant differ-
when debris was under tension between rocky obstacles but ences of debris abundance were recorded between Sardinia and
apparently did not injure any organism; (iv) lying, when debris the other two regions (Kruskal–Wallis H = 8.9487, p < 0.05; post
was sitting on the bottom and did not impact the organisms. hoc Nemenyi test p < 0.05; Fig. 2A). Similar results were obtained
considering only the lines (post hoc Nemenyi test p < 0.01)
The eventual fouling on marine debris by macro-benthic organ- (Fig. 2B).
isms was examined and the most common colonizing taxa were
recognized. Thus, based on the number of taxa growing on debris The distance of the surveyed sites from the coast ranged from
items, three degrees of colonization were identified: none (0 taxa), 0.065 to 16 NM. Bivariate Poisson regression models showed that
moderate colonization (1–3 taxa), heavy colonization (>3 taxa). only the presence of lines was function of the distance from the
coast (p < 0.001 and O.R. = 1.2), while the presence of plastic was
The number of dead sessile organisms, not directly impacted by related to the depth (p < 0.001 and O.R. = 2.48).
debris, was also recorded.
Overall, fishing gears were the dominant source of debris (89%):
In order to evaluate the impact of debris, logistic models with lines made up the most significant portion (62.5%), followed by
mixed effects were used. The outcome was the presence or absence nets (24.4%) and pots (2.1%). Plastic and other debris were occa-
of a certain impact. Therefore, the probability of observing an sionally found, representing respectively 5% and 6% of the samples.
impact of some kind was modeled. The logarithm of the odds of In particular, Sicily showed a higher occurrence of fishing lines
this probability was assumed to be a linear function of fixed effects (79% of analyzed debris), while in Campania and Sardinia this value
associated with debris and other predictors, with a dive-specific was 57% and 55% respectively (Fig. 4).
intercept. The latter was used to take into account the effects of
unobserved factors, and capture the dependence among the obser- 3.2. Impact of debris
vations realized within the same dive. The dive-specific intercept
was assumed to arise from a zero-centered Gaussian distribution, More than half of debris (54.5%) was observed in contact with
as in usual generalized linear mixed models. Bivariate association sessile invertebrates, either covering them (17.2%) or causing abra-
models were estimated at first, and then the final linear multivar- sion (37.3%). The remaining portion of debris (45.5%) was recorded
iate model with mixed effects was obtained through forward step- lying on the bottom (26.2%) or hanging from the rocks (19.3%)
wise selection. Bivariate logistic models were also used to analyze without producing any apparent injury to sessile organisms.
the region specific effects of marine debris impacts. All logistic
models are used to estimate predictor’s effects. These are summa- The results of logistic model showed that lines and nets carried
rized as odds-ratios. The odds ratio is a measure of effect which can out the most significant abrasive action (Table 2; Fig. 5B–F), pro-
be interpreted as the fold change in probability of a presence when ducing the progressive removal of the tissues of entangled organ-
estimated with and without the predictor of interest. Conse- isms. Nets and plastic carried out mainly a covering action (odds
quently, an OR > 1 indicates that the presence of the predictor of ratio value was 1200). Nets, for example, were found snagged on
interest increases the probability of observing a certain damage; rocks, entangling or covering benthic organisms (Fig. 5B and C),
while an OR < 1 indicates that the presence of the predictor while plastic bags were observed enveloping some organisms.
decreases the probability of observing a certain damage. Hanging debris was represented only by nets and lines (odds ratio
value 444) (Fig. 5I), while lying debris was made up mainly of glass
The effect of depth and distance from the coast on the number bottles, cans, tires or rigid sacks (odds ratio value 3156) that gen-
of marine debris items was also analyzed using a Poisson regres- erally do not impact the organisms (Fig. 5G and H), but provide a
sion model with mixed effects and with adjusted coefficients. secondary substrate or a refuge for others (e.g. Fig. 5J and K).
The number of items observed can be naturally assumed to arise
from a Poisson distribution. The logarithm of the expectation of The effects of the models estimated for Campania and Sicily
this Poisson distribution was once again assumed to be a linear were not significantly different, while both were significantly dif-
function of predictors (i.e., depth and distance from the coast), ferent from the ones found in Sardinia for all the impact typologies,
associated with fixed effects, and to have a Gaussian distributed in particular for hanging debris (Table 3).
dive-specific intercept.
Ischia site (c5) in Campania and other three banks (sc3, sc5, sc7)
The software R version 2.14 was used to carry out this analysis, in Sicily were the areas with the greatest relative abundance of
in combination with package lme4, which is an R package for fit- debris determining a heavy impact (covering and abrasion action)
ting and analyzing linear, nonlinear and generalized linear mixed on the organisms, as showed in Fig. 3.
Gorgonians were the most commonly affected organisms
3. Results (53.0%), followed by red coral (23.5%), antipatharians (14.3%),
sponges (6.0%) and other invertebrates (3.2%). This pattern was
3.1. Abundance and distribution of debris similar, but with a specific composition for the three regions
(Table 4). The areas explored in Campania were characterized by
6.03 km2 of rocky bottom were explored by means of 69 video coralligenous outcrops. Here, the large amount of debris, mainly
transects in 26 areas of the three regions (Table 1). The initial lines and nets, abraded and covered especially the common gorgo-
and final depth of each transect varied between 30 and 300 m, nians Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) and Eunicella cavolinii
(Koch, 1887) (%73%) (Fig. 5B). In Sardinia, a greater number of dif-
ferent taxa were affected (Table 4). In Sicily, the most impacted
Please cite this article in press as: Angiolillo, M., et al. Distribution and assessment of marine debris in the deep Tyrrhenian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea,
Italy). Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2015),