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M. Angiolillo et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 9
Table 6 Few debris, which did not show any sign of colonization, may
Results of mixed Poisson regression models for the number of dead specimens in each have been discarded or lost relatively recently. The fouling extent
sampling unit as a function of the debris type detected. The coefficients can be may give an indication to the age of lost gear (Saldanha et al.,
interpreted as the expected additional number of dead specimens that are due to each 2003), considering that the most heavily encrusted debris is pre-
debris type. For all tests, p < 0.0001. sumably of older origin (Donohue et al., 2001). However, debris
may show different species-specific variations in abundance of
Debris types Coefficient C.I. 95% 0.024 fouling organisms, depending on material, geography, depth and/
5.69 or season (Saldanha et al., 2003).
(Intercept) 0.016 0.011 6.46
Line 3.13 1.72 26.86 The presence of marine litter, used as substratum or as refuge
Net 2.76 1.18 by organisms, can increase both the number of species and the
Plastic 2.75 0.28 total abundance of individuals in a specific habitat (Katsanevakis
et al., 2007) altering the natural community structure, modifying
nian colonies were rarely broken but were found to be covered by the spatial heterogeneity (Saldanha et al., 2003) and in some cases
epibionts (mainly the fast-growing parasitic alcyonacean A. corallo- enhancing the settlement of non-indigenous species (Mordecai
ides). Colonies of P. clavata were recorded as being detached and et al., 2011). Therefore, although apparently the presence of marine
buried in the sediment; thus, showing the typical arborescent mor- litter can increase diversity, this alteration contrasts with the prin-
phology, and were rarely found with broken branches. The resis- ciple of habitat and biodiversity conservation and sustainability
tant skeleton of black coral allows this taxa to hold out against (Katsanevakis et al., 2007).
mechanical friction that normally only scrapes the soft tissue of
the branches. As a consequence, these corals were frequently The results here presented can provide a baseline for future
observed partially covered by epibionts, but were rarely found hav- monitoring efforts, as well as a quantitative assessment, useful to
ing broken branches or being completely overgrown. On the con- motivate adequate managerial actions. Further studies are neces-
trary, numerous branching fragments of C. verticillata, known as sary to reach a more comprehensive and precise understanding
being very breakable (Bo et al., 2013), were often observed lying of litter distributions. Moreover, mapping the abundance of coral
on the sea bottom, as also reported by Fabri et al. (2014). communities remains a necessary step in order to quantify the
threats to which these characteristic environments are exposed.
In this study, 30% of the observed coral colonies in contact with
debris, showed traces of epibiosis of up to nine different taxa of Acknowledgements
sessile invertebrates. Opportunistic fast growing species, such as
hydroids, polychaetes, sponges and bryozoans were widely found The authors would like to thank the crew and researchers of R/V
on dead coral branches. Corals are capable of rapidly healing small Astrea for their support during ROV’s operations. We thank Raffa-
lesions. But in cases of more extensive damage or under the fre- ele Proietti for preparing GIS charts and the native English speaker
quent occurrence of physical stress, recovery may be difficult Tonia Szkurhan for revising the language on the manuscript.
(Bavestrello et al., 1997; Yoshikawa and Asoh, 2004) and the devel- Finally, the authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewer,
opment of aggregates of epibionts can lead to the death of colony whose suggestions and comments greatly improve the manuscript.
portions (Mistri, 1994). Then, once caught by a fishing gear, the
probability of death of a colony can be very high (Yoshikawa and This study was carried out within the framework of two pro-
Asoh, 2004). The positive correlation between the number of dead jects focused on red coral deep-dwelling population, financed by
colonies and the presence of lost gears in the habitat indicates the the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea (MATTM) and
destructive effects of fishing activities. This point is particularly by the Sardinian Regional Council for Agriculture.
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Please cite this article in press as: Angiolillo, M., et al. Distribution and assessment of marine debris in the deep Tyrrhenian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea,
Italy). Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2015),