Page 35 - ebsaws-2014-03
P. 35

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Proposed Criterion                                      Correspondences and notes
1. Uniqueness or rarity: area contains either (i)       As defined by CBD (2008). Also corresponds to:
unique (“the only one of its kind”), rare (occurs only
in few locations) or endemic species, populations or         • Uniqueness (SPA/BD Protocol)
communities, and/or (ii) unique, rare or distinct,           • Uniqueness or rarity (IMO 2006)
habitats or ecosystems; and/or (iii) unique or          May also correspond to:
unusual geomorphological or oceanographic                    • Bio-geographic importance (IMO 2006)
2. Special importance for life history stages of        As defined by CBD (2008). May also correspond to:
species: areas that are required for a population to         • Presence of habitats that are critical to
survive and thrive.                                               endangered, threatened or endemic species
                                                                  (SPA/BD Protocol)
3. Importance for threatened, endangered or                  • Diversity (SPA/BD Protocol)
declining species and/or habitats: area containing           • Critical habitat (IMO 2006)
habitat for the survival and recovery of endangered,         • Dependency (IMO 2006)
threatened, declining species or area with significant       • Spawning or breeding grounds (IMO 2006)
assemblages of such species.
4. Vulnerability, Fragility, Sensitivity, or Slow       As defined by CBD (2008). May also correspond to:
recovery: areas that contain a relatively high               • Presence of habitats that are critical to
proportion of sensitive habitats, biotopes or species             endangered, threatened or endemic species
that are functionally fragile (highly susceptible to              (SPA/BD Protocol)
degradation or depletion by human activity or by             • Critical habitat (IMO 2006)
natural events) or with slow recovery.
5. Biological productivity: area containing species,    As defined by CBD (2008). Also corresponds to:
populations or communities with comparatively                • Fragility (IMO 2006)
higher natural biological productivity.
                                                        May also correspond to:
6. Biological diversity: area contains comparatively         • Presence of habitats that are critical to
higher diversity of ecosystems, habitats,                         endangered, threatened or endemic species
communities, or species, or has higher genetic                    (SPA/BD Protocol)
7. Naturalness: area with a comparatively higher        As defined by CBD (2008). Also corresponds to:
degree of naturalness as a result of the lack of or          • Productivity (IMO 2006).
low level of human-induced disturbance or
degradation.                                            May also correspond to:
                                                             • Uniqueness (SPA/BD Protocol)
8. Cultural representativeness: area has a high              • Integrity (IMO 2006)
representative value with respect to the cultural
heritage, due to the existence of environmentally       As defined by CBD (2008). Also corresponds to:
sound traditional activities integrated with nature          • Diversity (SPA/BD Protocol)
which support the well-being of local populations.           • Diversity (IMO 2006)

                                                        As defined by CBD (2008). Also corresponds to:
                                                             • Naturalness (SPA/BD Protocol)
                                                             • Naturalness (IMO 2006)

                                                        May also correspond to:
                                                             • Integrity (IMO 2006)

                                                        As defined in the SPA/BD Protocol, Annex I

         Table 3-3. Proposed criteria
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