Page 41 - ebsaws-2014-03
P. 41
sets used to identify Mediterranean EBSAs.
t crit crit crit Crit notes
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3 3 2 0 not ABNJ: Important foraging ground for seabirds within the Alborán context.
not ABNJ: important breeding colonies of gulls and terns that use the adjacent
3 3 3 0 sea to forage
2 2 4 0 holds one of the most important colonies of Audouin’s gull in the world
not ABNJ: holds the second most important colony of Audouin’s gull at global
3 3 4 0 level
Unique location is key for long-term survival of seabird populations that move
3 4 1 0 between Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
Area of high (primary) productivity: acts as feeding area for locally-breeding
3 3 2 0 bird populations, as winter area and most importantly for migration/passage
presence of black corals, red coral, sponges, gorgonian gardens,
3 4 2 0 coralligenous, maerl, marine turtles, cetaceans and commercial species.
2 1 2 0 loggerhead turtle habitat
Scyliorhinus canicula nursery area
Common dolphin, striped dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, Cuvier’s beaked whale,
4 3 1 0 pilot whale
3 2 0 0 important suitable habitat for small pelagics (sardines and/or anchovies)
2 4 3 0 Lophelia, Madrepora, 218 m, ROV, submersible (Orejas et al. 2008)
4 4 3 0 Bluefin tuna spawning ground, sperm whale habitat
4 High primary productivity of pelagic waters
Key area for feeding of globally-threatened and other seabird species of
conservation concern that concentrate for breeding in Ebro Delta (gulls, terns)
3 3 2 0 and in Balearic Is (shearwaters)