Page 45 - ebsaws-2014-03
P. 45

Urania Bank, Lophelia, Madrepora, 509-613 m, ROV (this study), Linosa
                               Trough, Lophelia, Madrepora, 669-679 m, ROV (this study), off Malta,
                               Lophelia, Madrepora, 453-612 m, ROV (this study), off Malta, Lophelia,
                               Madrepora, 392-617 m, demersal trawl (Schembri et al. 2007)

3 2 0 0 important suitable habitat for small pelagics (sardines and/or anchovies)

3 3 2 0 loggerhead turtle habitat
                               Squalus acanthias nursery area
                               Scyliorhinus canicula nursery area
                               Bari Canyon, Lophelia, Madrepora, 306-640 m, ROV (this study), Gondola
                               Slide, Lophelia, Madrepora, 674-714 m, ROV (this study)

3 2 0 0 important suitable habitat for small pelagics (sardines and/or anchovies)
2 1 2 0 loggerhead turtle habitat

                        0 Raja clavata nursery area
                               Common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, Cuvier’s beaked whales, fin whales,

3 2 2 0 sperm whales

4 3 2 0 Sperm whales, Cuvier’s beaked whales
                               Santa Maria di Leuca, Lophelia, Madrepora, 300-1100 m, dredges, ROV
                               (Taviani et al. 2005a, this study), off Gallipoli, Lophelia, Madrepora, 603-744
                               m, ROV (this study)

                               Carcharinus plumbeus breeding area
3 2 2 0 Common dolphin, harbour porpoise, monk seal, beaked whale
3 2 2 0 Common dolphin, monk seal, beaked whale

                               off Thasos, Lophelia, Madrepora, 300-350 m, dredging (Vafidis et al. 1997)
3 2 0 0 important suitable habitat for small pelagics (sardines and/or anchovies)
3 2 0 0 important suitable habitat for small pelagics (sardines and/or anchovies)

                               Importance: One of the 3 spawning grounds of Blue Fin Tuna (Thunnus

0 0 0 0 thynnus)
                               not ABNJ. Importance: The largest and the only viable monk seal colony

0 0 2 0 along the Turkish coast
                               not ABNJ. Importance: Very pristine area, intact Cystoseira and Posidonia
                               meadows; important (breeding) habitat for seal, breeding site for Audouin's

2 2 3 0 Gull (Larus audouini).
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