Page 12 - escursioni_A
P. 12


               Western flank of Mt. Cofano, with mixed patches of Pistacio lentisci-Chamaeropetum hu-
               milis, Erico-Micromerietum fruticulosae, Helictotricho convoluti-Ampelodesmetum mau-
               ritanici. Vegetation dynamics and patchiness are strongly influenced by periodical fires.
               Bothriochloo panormitanae-Hyparrhenietum hirtae (ARISTIDO COERU-
               LESCENTIS-HYPARRHENION  HIRTAE) is localized  near the ea-
               stern coast of the Peninsula of San Vito.
                  The top and the N-facing slopes of the local mountains are covered by
               Helictotricho convoluti-Ampelodesmetum mauritanici, a species-rich communi-
               ty endemic to the calcareous lithosoils of NW Sicily, often severely disturbed
               by the increasingly frequent wildfires and overgrazing and trampling due
               to domestic herbivores (mostly cows) and introduced wildboars.
                  The association Coronillo glaucae-Brachypodietum retusi descri-
               bed for Marettimo belongs to the alliance REICHARDIO MARITI-
               MAE-DACTYLION HISPANICAE, including all the subhalophilous
               and wind-exposed perennial grasslands on calcareous soils of central
               and eastern Mediterranean area.
                  Two associations (Thapsio garganicae-Feruletum communis and Car-
               lino siculae-Feruletum communis) referred to the alliance CHARYBDI-
               DO PANCRATII-ASPHODELION RAMOSI occur in the area. These
               communities, very widespread on Mt. Palatimone and in Zingaro re-
               serve, are perfectly adapted to stand overgrazing, frequent burning
               and soil erosion and are dominated by (mostly) poisonous geophytes.

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