Page 7 - escursioni_A
P. 7
The Egadi Archipelago includes the islands of Favignana, Levan-
zo and Marettimo and few satellite islets (e.g. Formica) and stacks.
The two coastal plains of Favignana are separated by a S-N spreading
central ridge of rocky hills, the highest being Mt. Santa Caterina (314
m a.s.l.), Punta della Campana (296 m) and Punta Grossa (252 m); the
highest hills of Levanzo are Pizzo del Monaco (278 m a.s.l.) and Pizzo
del Corvo (201 m), separated from a little plain. Marettimo is a very
steep island, rich of little canyons and screes; its highest peaks go
beyond 600 m s.l.m. (e.g. Pizzo Falcone, 686).
The harsh morphology of most part of the area, characterized by
abrupt slopes, steep cliffs and wide screes, is mainly shaped from the
different response of the outcropping rocks to the combined effect
of past and ongoing karstic and tectonic processes. In some cases se-
lective erosion caused the collapse of calcareous cliffs, which in turn
gave rise to wide landslides made of huge coarse blocks (e.g. at Firri-
ato, above and below the village of Scopello, etc.).
As a consequence of intense karst processes affecting the calcare-
ous and dolomitic rock outcrops, most of the rainfall penetrates deep
underground feeding a very complex aquifer. The only true river of
this territory is Fiume San Bartolomeo (E of Castellamare del Golfo,
Halo-tolerant annual dry grasslands on coastal rocky pavements (Anthemido se-
cundirameae-Desmazerietum siculae)