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Table 1. Measurements of current velocity frequencies (%)     intermediate as measured in Menfi Bay (MVC ~22 cm
within 5 cm s–1 increments up to 20 cm s–1 and higher in the  s–1: HYDRO 2), and high as measured in Capo d’Or-
                                                              lando Bay (MVC ~40 cm s–1: HYDRO 3). The control
study areas Gulf of Castellammare (HYDRO 1: mean velocity     location (Egadi Islands) was considered in the
of current [MVC] = 12.0 ± 7.5 cm s–1), Menfi Bay (HYDRO 2:    ANOVA as the 4th level of the HYDRO factor, with a
MVC = 21.0 ± 11.8 cm s–1), and Capo D’Orlando Bay             MVC of ~20 cm s–1 (Lazzari et al. 1994). Distance was
                                                              the 2nd factor in the ANOVA (3 levels: DISTANCE).
                (HYDRO 3: MVC = 41.4 ± 18.4 cm s–1)           Distance was treated as fixed and orthogonal. Sites
                                                              (2 for each distance) were treated as random (2 levels:
                    Current velocity increments               SITE) and nested in the interaction of the above
                                   (cm s–1)                   factors. Three replicates were randomly collected at
                                                              each site. Heterogeneity of variances was tested using
                   5 10 15 > 20                               Cochran’s C-test, and appropriate means were com-
                                                              pared using Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) test (Un-
HYDRO 1            23 44 25 8                                 derwood 1997).
Subsurface (3 m)   22 27 23 27
Mean depth (10 m)  20 24 23 33                                  We used the mixing model approach to infer the
Bottom (30 m)                                                 most important carbon and nitrogen sources qualita-
                   40 30  0 30                                tively responsible for the isotopic composition of POM
HYDRO 2            50 30  0 20                                and SOM (Phillips & Gregg 2003, Sarà et al. 2003). We
Subsurface (3 m)   43 37  0 20                                designated POM and SOM carbon and nitrogen sig-
Mean depth (10 m)  33 0   0 66                                nals (as measured throughout the study locations) as
Mean depth (20 m)                                             targets in the models. The end-members in the models
Bottom (30 m)      14 26 17 44                                were pelletted food (PEL: δ13C = –22.6 ‰; δ15N = 7.8 ‰)
                   5 24 22 49                                 and fish faeces signals (EJE: δ13C = –23.1 ‰; δ15N =
HYDRO 3            4 17 19 60                                 10.7 ‰) as measured throughout the study locations.
Subsurface (3 m)   4 8 14 74                                  The phytoplankton (PHY: δ13C = 19.0 ‰; δ15N = 6.5 ‰),
Mean depth (10 m)                                             sand microflora (SM: δ13C = –15.0 ‰; δ15N = 6.5 ‰) and
Mean depth (20 m)                                             terrestrial signals (TER: δ13C = –26.4 ‰; δ15N = 1.9 ‰)
Bottom (30 m)                                                 were extrapolated from the literature (Dauby 1989,
                                                              Martinotti et al. 1997, Riera 1997, Middelburg & Nieu-
was immediately frozen at –20°C and stored until              wenhuize 1998, Mazzola & Sarà 2001, Sarà et al. 2003,
analysis. About 10 specimens of cultivated fish were          Sarà et al. 2004).
sampled and muscle tissue dissected and, after an
overnight evacuation, fish faeces were collected using          Differences in percent contribution of each carbon
pipettes. In addition, samples of pelletted foods used        and nitrogen source (terrigenous, primary [e.g. phyto-
in the fish farms were collected for carbon and nitro-        plankton or sand microflora], and fish farm waste) at
gen isotopic analysis. Water (POM) and sediments              each combination of site and hydrodynamic level were
(SOM) as well as muscles, faeces and pellets were             analysed by cluster analyses (CA). Bray-Curtis similar-
analysed to measure carbon and nitrogen isotope               ity was used as a distance index. SIMPER procedure
ratios. All samples were acidified in 2 N HCl, dried at       (cut-off: 100%) was employed to determine the or-
60°C for at least 24 h, then ground. Isotopic analyses        ganic matter source, which contributed the most to
were performed using a Finnigan Delta-Plus isotope            observed dissimilarities (Clarke 1993). Data were
ratio mass spectrometer. Isotopic values were ex-             square-root transformed. The GMAV 5.0 statistical
pressed in parts per thousand as well as deviations           package (University of Sydney) and the PRIMER pack-
from standards (Peedee belemnite limestone for δ13C,          age (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) were used to per-
and nitrogen in air for δ15N):                                form uni- and multivariate analyses. The ISOSOURCE
                                                              (Phillips & Gregg 2003) software package was used to
             δ13C or δ15N = [(Rsample/Rstandard)] × 103       run mixing equations.

where R is 13C/12C or 15N/14N.                                                                 RESULTS
  Sampling design and statistical analyses. The
                                                                Mean, minimum and maximum values of δ13C and
control-impact sampling design enabled comparisons            δ15N in POM and SOM, recorded within each distance
between putatively impacted and control locations             category at each location (including control sites
over different distances. We used a series of partial         located at the Egadi Islands), are shown in Table 2.
(0 vs. 500 m; 0 vs. 1000 m; 500 vs. 1000 m) 3-way
ANOVAs to evaluate the hypothesis that δ13C and
δ15N of POM and SOM varied as a function of dis-
tance from the cages. The 1st factor (hydrodynamics:
HYDRO) was treated as fixed and orthogonal. The 3
levels of hydrodynamics were low as measured in the
Gulf of Castellammare (MVC ~12 cm s–1: HYDRO 1),
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8